Chapter 3| They're ALL fags

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Stan's POV

"He's gay........he's a fucking fag AND he's about to get me in trouble" I said still in shock. "Goddamit, I was having fun torturing that little cocksucker too! Good job Stan now you're boyfriend has ruined our fun!" Cartman yelled. "Boyfriend? The fuck Cartman I'm not a fag!" I yelled back. I felt weirdly embarrassed when he said that though. "Whatever we'll probably just get detention or some shit" Cartman replied.

I'm still completely shocked! I mean Kyle my best friend, is gay! I don't know what to do! He's been my SBF since we were little kids and he's a fag. I guess I'll just have to hang out with Kenny now.

"Eric Cartman and Stan Marsh report to the principal's office" the principal said on the speaker. "Goddamit!" Cartman exclaimed. We walked to the principal's office and sat down next to Kyle and Butters, who was still crying. "Boys did you really beat up poor little Butters!" she said angrily. I just looked away as Cartman stayed silent. "Well Butters said that's what you've been doing! And Kyle is his witness" she said angrily.

Cartman crossed his arms and replied. "We just did it because he's a fag" Cartman said. "We don't tolerate this kind of behavior at our school I'm calling your parents and you both have a month's worth of detention!" she yelled. I looked over at Kyle. He looked so hurt and so upset. I think.....I think he likes Butters. "You boys are dismissed" she said.

We walked out into the hallway as class was being dismissed. I just wanted to ask him one question, just one before I had to leave him alone forever. "Hey Kyle" I said weakly as I put my hand on his shoulder. "What, what could you possibly want!" he said with so much hurt in his voice. "I just want to know one thing" I told him. "What" he replied sadly. " you like Butters" I asked. "No Stan, now fuck off!" he said to me. I saw him start to walk off but I grabbed his arm before he could get away.

"I told you to leave me alone!" he yelled while facing me. "Was that the truth?" I asked. "Yes Stan! Jesus just because he's gay doesn't mean I fucking like him now leave me alone!" he cried. Kyle then pushed his way through the large group of people and disappeared. He's gone. He hates me. Well...well I hate that stupid queer too fuck him! Oh God that sounds so wrong in my head. But.....I'll just have to deal with....with not having my SBF anymore. Fuck it I still have Kenny and Cartman.

I started to walk out of the school when I suddenly felt someone grab the back of my shirt. I turned around to see...Kenny? He didn't have his hood up and Butters was standing behind him, his eyes still puffy from all the crying. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Kenny yelled while punching me in the eye.

"What the fuck was that for!?" I yelled back in confusion. "YOU'VE BEEN BULLYING BUTTERS FOR A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH! HE ALMOST FUCKING KILLED HIMSELF YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Kenny screamed extremely angrily. "Oh God please tell me you don't support that shit!" I yelled back.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Now Kenny thinks gays are all awesome and shit too. Jesus I bet you he is one now too! "I FUCKING LOVE HIM YOU SHITHEAD! SO NOW I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Kenny screamed. Goddamit! He is a fag! Kenny pushed me down the steps and jumped on top of me. He was stronger and heavier so I couldn't push him off me.

He pinned me down and started to punch me hard. Like really fucking hard. He hit me right in the fucking nose and it felt like shit! He then continued to beat my face. I felt like I was gonna black out. By now almost the entire class had surrounded us and started chanting and yelling until my parents pulled up.

"Oh my God she was right! Our little Stan's been getting into fights!" my mom yelled. Ah fuck. Kenny was then pulled off by some teachers and my parents helped me up. Goddamit now I have to go to the hospital AND talk to my stupid parents about this bullshit. My parents put me in the car and drove me to the hospital. I hate today. So. Fucking. Much. My SBF hates me and he's a fag, I got in trouble for beating up Butters with Cartman, Kenny beat me up and now I have to go the hospital and explain to my parents why I'm in trouble. Fuck this!

They brought me to the emergency room where they bandaged me up and gave me some ice packs. Luckily I got my room fairly quickly where they did some doctor shit and fixed me up I guess. Apparently my nose and my leg are broken and I'm gonna be here for a while which sucks ass.

Before (Stan x Kyle)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora