Chapter 5| Agreements

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Stan's POV

That fucking asshole. He exposed me! Thank God there's no teacher in here for some reason. "Shut up dicksucker!" I insulted. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Kenny yelled while getting up from his table. "Kenny! No! This is what he wants" Kyle said while walking over to him. There was now a big space between theses two groups that suddenly formed. All the pussies went to one side while the rest of us stayed over here. Kyle put his hand on Kenny's shoulder. "He wants a reaction! He wants attention for God knows what reason, that's why he's insulting people" Kyle said loudly. That fucking fag and his stupid leadership skills, he's convincing people to join his stupid side.

"You talk so much Kyle, I'd like to see you prove this bullshit!" I said while standing up and walking towards him. "Fine! Raise your hand if you've ever been bullied by Stan in ANY sort of way" he yelled. I glared at the people seeing if I could scare them into lying but.....................all of them.........all of my victims raised their hands. Shit. "You see! You people! The homophobes are the problem not us!" Kyle said while facing his audience. "Oh ya well, who here thinks it's not natural for a man to stick his dick in another man's asshole!" I yelled at the at the other group. "Ya fuck those guys!" Cartman yelled. My group cheered in agreement. I glared at Kyle proving my point. "Fine! Does anyone have a Sharpie!" Kyle yelled.

What the fuck does he need a Sharpie for. "I do!" Red yelled while bringing her Sharpie over to Kyle. "Thank you, can you do me a favor and draw a line across the floor, separating this group from the homophobes. Stop the line at the lunch receiving area" Kyle directed. Red began to draw the line. Where are the teachers? They can't do this! "Hey!" I yelled back. "We'll stay off your side if you stay off ours. Anyone who breaks this rule gets their ass kicked" Kyle directed. I-I don't know what to say. I won't be able to beat up the fags anymore but, I won't have to be around them. But wait.....what about classrooms. "Draw the lines in the classroom's too" I directed Red. "Sounds fair, go ahead and make sure to label the sides" he said to Red.

"This is now the LGBTQA group for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals those who are other/questioning, asexual AND allies" Kyle said to the group. "Alright and we'll be the Antis. For those who know what's moral and immoral. Gay sex if you didn't know Kyle is immoral" I said. He glared back. I guess I'm now the leader of an entire group of people who'll do whatever I say. Awesome. Kyle than began to talk to his group while I motivated mine. "What do we believe in?!" I yelled. "Traditional marriage!" they yelled back. "Who do we hate?!" I yelled. "Fags!" they screamed. "What do WE believe in!?"Kyle yelled. "Equality!" some yelled. "Acceptance!" others yelled. "Who do WE hate!?" Kyle yelled. "Homophobes!!" they screamed louder.

Kyle turned to me. "Rules" he stated. "Rules?" I questioned. What the fuck is this queer doing now? "You can't touch my people, ever!" Kyle argued. "You have no power once school has ended" I argued back. "You can't touch them during school OR while they're at after school projects" Kyle argued back. "Only during school!" I yelled back. "Fine, but if you break this rule we will beat you till you're numb!" Kyle yelled. "Fine" I agreed. "You cannot leave messages in lockers telling kids to fucking kill themselves! Same goes for texting" Kyle said. "Ok for the first one of course but I'll text whoever I want whenever I want! You have no right to tell me I can't do that! I personally won't do it but I'm not gonna stop them" I said. "Ok, fine" Kyle agreed. I smirked at him. His face was all red from anger. Kinda cute.

Kyle's POV

I've gotten what I wanted. Protection from these assholes during school. If any other problems happen I will take care of it. Personally. Fucking Stan is such a tool. Why does he even hate gay people? I don't think it's religion and I mean he does talk about how our sex is disgusting but is that really a reason to write notes telling kids to kill themselves and leave ropes in their lockers. That's absurd!

I did hear about a study before though, it was about how 80% of homophobes got aroused when shown gay porn. Maybe that's it. But I can't be sure. I finished up the rest of my food and went to my last few classes. I have an idea. Maybe the LGBTQA group should where something like a wristband to show who they are and what their sexual preference is so that we could determine who's a homophobic asshole and who's a rational person. I'll start working on them tomorrow.

I walked home and let my thoughts wander until Stan stopped me. "Where you going bitch?" Stan insulted. He's so pathetic. Hurting others because he doesn't agree with us. "Home asshole" I said back. "I was thinking hospital" he said while smirking and making a fist. Oh hell no. "Do you wanna fight?" I asked. "No I wanna kick your ass!" he replied. Tool. "I'll fight you later Stan I'm tired and have a lot of homework" I replied. He grabbed my shirt and brought he to his face. "I'm gonna fight you, NOW" he yelled.

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