Chapter 35

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Seeing Nico look at me the way that he did the second that I stepped outside of the fitting room was enough to make me spend all of my life savings on that dress. For most of my life, that's all that I wanted. For him to look at me the way that he did 20 minutes ago. And finally, I got to experience what it felt like. To be noticed by him. To feel wanted by him. Even though it was only for a short amount of time, it was worth it. Those 3 minutes were worth it.

Remi and I are grabbing a bubble tea when my phone lights up with a text message from Nico.

"You gonna get that?" Remi asks as she sips on her straw.

I look at the text and it reads: My house tomorrow. Jet skis. Remi's invited, too.

I begin to type out that I can't, not because I actually can't, but because I don't think that it's the wisest idea. Then I hear Remi mumble under her breath, "of course, you are."

I huff out of annoyance. I'm getting sick of her indirect jabs. "What's that supposed to mean?

"You're out right now. Enjoying a bubble tea with your bestie. Nico can wait."

"It's just a text, Rem."

"You're missing the point, B. You keep saying over and over again that you're sick of always running when Nico beckons. So, this time, don't run."

"He invited us to his beach tomorrow," I show her the text and say.

"Yeah, well, I don't care."


"I'm sorry, B, but he's playing you like a violin. Don't think for a second that he's not loving the fact that you're in love with him. It gives him this power over you."

"Just so you know, I was planning on declining."


"Isn't that what you think I should do?"

"No, actually."

I'm so confused. Here she is preaching to me that I need to move on from Nico, and now that I'm admitting to turning down his invite, she's questioning me.

"Okay, now I'm confused."

"Let me ask you this, B. Do you want to go?"

"No," I lie...because of course I do.

She bats her eyelashes and presses her lips together. "You're lying. You want to go. So then let's go. Don't force yourself to do something that you don't want to do. It's not natural and it won't help you move on."

"But going there will help me move on?"

"Maybe. Maybe that's the problem. You're forcing yourself to feel certain emotions when it comes to Nico. Maybe it's time to accept them for what they're worth while allowing yourself to move on and meet someone new."

My fingers continue to hover over the keyboard of the screen when Remi takes it from my hold and begins to type. When she's done, I grab it from her grip to look down at what she sent Nico:

We'll be there.


I'm not mad at Remi, but I'm definitely not happy with her. I'd be more unhappy with her if she left me alone to go to Nico's house today, but seeing as though this is her fault, she has no choice but to accompany me.

It's not like I need the company...Nico's home is practically my own, but still. Cara will obviously be there with Nico, and I'm getting sick of their PDA.

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