Chapter 49

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Fridays are usually my good days at work. I'm typically focused because I know that I'm a few hours away from the weekend. But this Friday is different, and I'm super off my A-game. It's like my first day all over again. I messed up three different orders, left a bagel toasting in the oven for way too long, and knocked into Wendy, which caused me to drop the pastries and cappuccinos that I was on my way to serve.

All because of him. Nico. The boy who commands my every thought despite the countless times that I try to erase him from my mind. I try and I try and I try to turn my brain off when it comes to him, but it doesn't matter, because it's not just my brain that's affected by him. It's my heart, too. And how does one turn that off?

Walking away from him last night after he dropped me home was hard. I felt like there was so much that he wanted to say, but didn't, and I let it slide. When he said "goodnight", I said it back, but followed it with nothing else.

I know that I'm going to see him tomorrow night at his parent's anniversary party, but that doesn't count because Nico in that kind of setting isn't my Nico. He isn't the Nico that I know. Instead, he's detached, unapproachable, and distant. And I hate every second of seeing him like that.

At the same time, though, being in that kind of setting with Nico does make me want to look as beautiful as possible. Given my very limited resources, that's hard to do, but I believe that the dress, the makeup, the just makes up the exterior of a person, and Nico doesn't care about that. He never did. Especially, not with me.

I hate myself for even thinking this because my heart right now should belong completely to Danny. But, I'd be lying if I said that it did.

Remi's letting me borrow this long fuschia-colored dress that she wore to her cousin's wedding last year. The dress has a floral embroidered skirt, and while it's not too over-the-top, it is more regal than anything that I've ever owned. In terms of jewelry, well...I'm not wearing much. Grandma Ruby is letting me borrow these silver drop earrings that she bought recently. They're not real, but they sparkle like they are.

That's why, when I'm finally done with work, I run to Milly's. I remember spotting a gorgeous pair of metallic open-toe heels that were on-sale when I was there looking for a dress to wear to the Summer Dance.

Once I'm at the store, I don't spot the shoes on the floor, but one of the sales ladies - the same one who helped me a few weeks back with the dress - informs me that they might have my size in the back.

"B?" a voice calls out from behind me as I wait.

"Brooks," I say once I turn around. "What are you doing here?"

I walk over to him for a hug, and once we pull away, he lifts his clear round sunglasses, showcasing his model-like face.

"I'm picking up my mom's dress for tomorrow night. Nico said you're coming."

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Good. We both know he's going to need us."

Before I can say anything, the sales lady walks back with the shoes dangling from her grip. "Today is your lucky day. I was able to find your size." She nods her head to the cushioned sofa. "Want to try them on over there?"

"Great, and yes," I say.

"B, I'll be right back. Just going to see about my mom's dress," Brooks interrupts.

"No problem," I tell him, following the lady to the sofa.

I strap the heel on and then stand up, walking back and forth in them to assess my comfort level.

They fit like a glove.

Then, I walk over to the standing mirror.

"They look fabulous on you," the sales lady tells me.

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