XV | A Merciless Approach

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After history, instead of heading to the lunch hall, Clementine followed Elliot towards the infirmary. He didn't want to go, but he needed to ensure his relationship with Carmichael, Bernard and Stanley remained intact.

          He sighed quietly, thinking about the salad he could be having right now; crunchy lettuce, sweet tomatoes—that delicious cucumber. It was the sort of food he could only ever dream of back in Itamore. But right now, he was missing out on it because he had to head somewhere he didn't want to go—at all.

          "You're going to have to see if you can talk them out of this stupid scheme," Elliot muttered as they turned into the corridor leading towards the infirmary. "They won't listen to me."

          "If they're not listening to you, what makes you think they'll listen to me?"

          "They like you," Elliot said with a shrug.

          Clementine rolled his eyes, but as he set his sights on the infirmary door, he felt dread building within him. The sound of that creature echoed through his head—a cold shiver shot down his spine, and as he remembered the state he'd seen Molly in...he felt his body shiver.

          "I still think we should just tell the teachers," Elliot continued.

          Ignoring him, Clementine stared ahead. As they stepped into the infirmary, he glanced around, but there wasn't a single sign of the crystal-like webs he'd seen Molly ensnared in—there weren't even cobwebs caught up in the rib-vaulted ceiling. Someone had swept this place down thoroughly. Yet, someone had still managed to catch a glimpse and tell Elliot's friends about it.

          "There they are," Elliot said, leading the way over to the third bed in, where Stanley was sitting with his arm in a sling, talking to Carmichael and Bernard. "Hey guys," he called, waving.

          The three of them looked over at him and Clementine as they made their way over.

          "How are you feeling?" Elliot asked Stanley.

          Stanley shrugged. "I've been better."

          "Either of you two see Frederick and his girls?" Carmichael asked.

          Elliot sighed and crossed his arms. "Guys, I really think—"

          "Stop trying to talk us out of it," Bernard interjected. "We've made up our minds, Elliot."

          With a heady huff, Elliot shook his head and shrugged. "I didn't see them."

          "You?" Carmichael asked, looking at Clementine.

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