XLV | Winter Break

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Wednesday had seemed like the longest day of the semester. By time classes were over, Clementine felt as though he could sleep for days. His eyes were heavy, each step felt like he was dragging a ball and chain along, and his body screamed at him to sit down. His worsening condition didn't help, but he pushed through it.

          He followed Elliot, Mavis, and Mathew out into the courtyard, where several horse-drawn carriages were waiting to take the students to Ulrora Slope. From there, Clementine and his allies would board a locomotive to Ripperton.

          He glanced over at Elliot as he chattered to the others about the city he was born in. It saddened Clementine to know that if he was successful in getting Elliot to work out what he was, then he'd be saying goodbye to his roommate. But at least both Elliot and whoever he had possessed would be free. And what better way was there to thank Elliot for sticking by him than helping him with his unfinished business? Clementine felt this was the best thing to do for him.

          They didn't head straight for a carriage. As a light flurry of snow fell around them, they stopped by the fountain and waited for Sebastien to join them. Clementine listened to Elliot and Mathew compare Serenity Week memories, and he noticed that, although she was smiling, Mavis seemed to look a little disheartened. He suspected it was probably because she didn't have any stories to relate to Elliot and Mathew with. If Clementine didn't feel so tired, he might try to shift the conversation to something she could become more involved in, but all he could think about right now was when he'd be able to sleep.

          He sat on the edge of the fountain, watching as the other students got into carriages and left. But when he saw all seven of the remaining Ravenblood emerge from the academy doors, he tensed up, hoping they wouldn't see him. His heart beat a little faster as he watched them head for one of the three remaining carriages, but to his relief, they all climbed inside without noticing him.

          "Is Sebastien even coming?" Elliot mumbled, looking down at Clementine.

          "Yeah, he said he was. Maybe he got caught up with something. He'll be here," he said confidently.

          "Well, he better hurry up. I don't want to miss the train."

          "What happens if we do? Is there a train two?" Mavis asked.

          "The trains from here to Ripperton and back are every three days. If we don't make this one then we won't be able to go."

          "Should we go and look for him?" Mathew suggested.

          Clementine sighed, looking over his shoulder at the doors. But as he set his eyes on the academy's front doors, Sebastien stepped outside wearing his fur-trimmed leather jacket and chapka hat. They all watched him hurry over, and when he joined them, he smirked at Clementine.

The Atrophy of Clementine DarlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now