10: Kaoru Midoriya Bakugou

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"Take your time." Katsuki spoke softly, keeping both hands hovering over the Omega's waist. 

"I am, Kacchan." Izuku chuckled back, wobblily making his way up the few front steps, which led to his home's front door. Today was the first day back home, after being hospitalized for 3 days, and he was still a little sore. 

"Okay, open the door, I'll go get Kaoru." The blonde excitedly spoke, running back towards his vehicle. He and Izuku had chosen the name Kaoru for their son, which was also Katsuki's grandfather's name. Although, he had passed away a few years prior, Bakugou had always had a strong connection with his elder, which is why he really liked the name Kaoru. 

Once back inside, Katsuki gently set down the Baby-Carrier-Seat, and took his child out of it. Looking around, Izuku was nowhere to be seen. He didn't want to call his name out loud either, since the baby had just gotten done crying; apparently, Kaoru doesn't enjoy car trips at all. The blonde made his way through his house, checking every room, until he reached the nursery. Izuku was resting in his newly-built rocking chair, clearly exhausted.

"You okay?" The blonde quietly posed, walking towards his lover. Izuku looked over, a sweet smile planted on his lips. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Can I have him-?" The greenette asked, holding his arms up towards the blonde. Bakugou smiled, gently handing him their whining son, who immediately calmed down when he reached his mother's hold. "Oh... I love him so much." The greenette giggled, running a finger through the baby's thin, blonde hair. Bakugou smiled, pulling over a stool on which he sat comfortably. 

"He's cute... Just like his mom." The Alpha teased, earning a bright smile from the Omega. 

"Oh, stop! Weirdo..." The small male chuckled sweetly, a light blush crawling onto his cheeks. 

"I won't stop telling the truth, gorgeous." Katsuki continued, standing up again. "Supper time... You want anything in particular?" He asked, pressing a gentle kiss on his fiancé's forehead. Izuku seemed to think for a moment, but clearly got distracted by something else. Something that seemed to bother him. 

"I'm not very hungry, I guess I'll skip supper tonight." Izuku spoke, looking down to his babbling child. Bakugou frowned. 

"Really-? I was planning on making Katsudon." The blonde said, waiting to see the male's reaction. Izuku looked up, thinking a bit more, before shaking his head. 

"No... I'm really just... Not in the mood for anything, right now. Sorry, Kacchan." He replied in a whiny tone. Bakugou immediately knew something was wrong. Izuku had never refused food- Not to mention Katsudon. 

"Is everything alright? Are you not feeling well?" The Alpha questioned, feeling the freckled-male's temperature. Izuku looked up, smiling weakly. 

"No... I'm fine. Just, not hungry, that's all. You go eat, okay?" The curly-haired boy stated, tilting his head to the side. Bakugou shook his head, staring the greenette up and down. Eventually, his eyes landed on the boy's stomach, which was a part of his body that revealed his weight gain during his pregnancy. He didn't have hot, sexy abs anymore. He had sweet, adorable rolls, instead. And this seemed to bother him greatly. But Katsuki didn't mind them at all- He thought they were quite suiting for Izuku, and he pulled them off quite well. 

"Baby, you have to eat. You refused to eat at the hospital, and I understood that- I mean the food was gross as hell. But you have no reason to skip a meal here. You have to eat, Izu." The blonde spoke, pressing a gentle finger on his son's head, ruffling his hair. 

"I told you- I'm not hungry, Kacchan." Izuku repeated. Katsuki shook his head. 

"Why not? Because of your weight?" The Alpha snapped, irritated. Izuku looked up, clearly insulted. 

"What? No! That's fucking mean! Well- Sorry, I didn't realize I was fucking fat! Huh-? It's not my fault I gave birth to our fucking kid, thinking it would make us happier! This is the reason why I didn't want one in the first place! Do you know how long it'll take for me to get my body back to the way it was, just to go back to work? HUH? I said I wasn't hungry, for fuck's sake! So leave me alone, will ya? I'm just. Not. Hungry!" Izuku snarled, standing up to face his lover. Bakugou backed away, his child beginning to cry in the Omega's arms. Just then, Izuku's personality completely changed again. 

"Oh~ Sorry sweetie... Please quiet down... Momma's sorry. He didn't mean to~" The small male cooed, rocking his baby in his arms. Soon, the baby calmed down, his cries turning into quiet whines. 

"I'm sorry, Deku. I just don't want you to feel bad about yourself- Your body is fine, just the way it is." The Alpha continued, looking down, Yet again, Izuku looked up, insulted. 

"Are you kidding me-? Who ever said I felt bad about myself? I'm fine the way I am. My body's fine, the way it is. I know I'll have to work on it, momentarily, if I want to return to work- But I never said being chubby bothered me one bit! And if it bothers you that much- Then- Then- Fuck off!" Izuku spat, trying to keep his voice down. Bakugou sighed, shaking his head. 

"You know that's not what I meant, Deku, fuck! Listen, I'm just looking out for you!" The blonde retorqued, giving up on what to say next. 

"Yeah? Well don't. I'm fine." Midoriya replied, cradling his child against his chest. 

"Jesus- Sorry." Katsuki grumbled, walking out the room. The male made his way towards the kitchen, opening their fridge as he took out some pork cutlet. He quickly pulled out a pan, setting it down on the stove. 


The blonde flinched turning around to face the greenette. He didn't have their child in his arms, which confirmer the kid was most likely sleeping. 

"Hey." The Alpha retorqued, not in the mood to address the greenette. Not after the attitude he had just given him. 

"I'm sorry. The truth is... I am a little self-conscious about my body, right now. And having you mention it didn't help. I just... Kinda feel fat. But I'm really not that hungry today... I'll still try to eat a bit and all! I just... I don't know. I'm sorry." Izuku tiredly blurted, looking down. Katsuki scoffed and shook his head. It seems the mood swings were over, after all. 

"It's fine, baby. And, as I said, you look gorgeous, even if you're a little chubby. If anything, it gives me more of you to love." Bakugou mumbled, pulling the small male into a hug. He littered the boy's neck with kisses, earning sweet giggles. 

"You really forgive me? I really acted irrationally back there." Izuku sniffled, pulling away. Katsuki frantically nodded, agreeing with the boy, earning a laugh. "I'm sorry." The greenette repeated, smiling. 

"It's fine. I love you... I have no choice but to forgive you." The blonde spoke.

"Damn right." Midoriya chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss on his lover's lips. 

To Be Continued...

●𝙴𝚇𝙿𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙶𝙰● || A BakuDeku OmegaVerse StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin