12 | The Championship

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"I'm worried Ann, don't know why, but I'm."

"You'll hit it, I'm sure. Now, come on, get going!"

Her words really did calm me down, but still, there was something that was nagging me.

Was it good? Was it bad? I had no freaking idea!

Today was it, the day I was supposed to go play and bang the championship of an interstate badminton tournament in a couple of hours, but here I was, worrying about something, that was not even clear to me!

"Okay, let the worries worry about my worries, I'm not gonna worry about them." I was rambling.

Did I just make a tongue twister? I really need to stop worrying.

"Whoa, what was that?" Anna laughed.

"Shut up Ann, I'm already messed up." That's when Roan decided to make his presence known from the crib. I rushed to him and picked him up in my arms. "My baby's awake? Is he hungry?" I said and carried him to his mother, while he smiled at me for the faces I was making.

It was only 10 days since he was born. Ryan kept pointing out the fact that the new born should be named after him, as they shared the same birth date. My silly lil' bro.

As he had his father's red hair and his uncle's birth date, he was named Roan.

Issac and Ann decided to stay at her parent's for a month, 'cause she was still a bit tired. They took their classes online meanwhile.

"Aww, mommy's prince is hungry?" Ann said as I placed him in her hands.

The thumb of my right hand was still in his left palm, while the other fingers were curled up and holding his hand from the back.

Don't know about the little one, but I felt full, content and it gave me...hope? I smiled to myself and looked up to Anna from her son.

"He'll grow up to be an image representing his mother, you know."

"Oh, I wanted him to represent his father!" She faked whining.

"You can always have a daughter to represent her father." I teased her.

"Hanna! Stop it!" Anna blushed.

"Oh no, I'm sure you'll have more than two___" I was effectively cut off. She pinched my arm and clapped her hand over my mouth to shup me up. I muffled a laugh and she dropped her hand. "Okay, now with all the positive vibes that I got from my nephew, I'm heading for the game."

"You, not going home from here?"

"Of course, silly. I cannot go play in my track suits now, can I?" I laughed.

"Okay, okay," She laughed with me. "It'll be all great, you know your potential, you can do it. Roan just said, he wants to see the championship cup in his aunt's hands."

"Aww, anything for my baby." I made faces for him to smile.

"Gonna go running, from here to all the way home?" Ann asked.

"Yeah, it's just a 15 minutes thing from here, plus will be a good warm up."

"Okay, good luck and congratulations in advance," She smiled.

"Bye, dear and thanks." I smiled too.

"Leaving already, Han?" Issac was here.

"Yeah, gotta go get ready for the tournament."

"Sure thing, you'll bang it, I'm sure. All the best," He assured.

"Thanks dear, bye now." I hugged Issac, Ann and kissed Roan's forehead before walking out.

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