22. Pool Party

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"How are we supposed to lay low by crashing a party?" Pope whined

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"How are we supposed to lay low by crashing a party?" Pope whined. The pogues were on their way to a kook party. JJ's idea of course to crash it.

"This is exactly how we lay low, Pope. By by acting natural this is exactly what we'd be doing anyway" JJ explained. Blair shook her head next to John B.

Kiara spoke up. "And why exactly are we doing this?" She asked annoyed latching arms with Blair on her other side.

"Because Kie, it's always good to crash a kook party. And to teach thing 1 and thing 2 a lesson for the other day. Also we're out of beer so gotta stash up.." JJ trailed off.

The five of them finally arrived to the party hosted by the kook king and queen themselves, Topper and Sarah. The two were currently on the roof of the house about to jump into the swimming pool below them.

The party looked to be a mixture of everyone. Although the majority was kooks, it seemed like some others had the same idea as JJ. The music blasted loud and people danced and drank near the pool, others swam, while more so of the kooks stayed near the patio area sitting together and smoking and drinking away in their own section.

Blair recognized Rafe in the cloud of smoke over in that area. He was sitting near a few girls and a dark haired guy. Rafe noticed her staring right away and glared at her. She quickly walked away to find her friends, just when Topper and Sarah finally jumped into the pool all the way from the roof.

Everyone cheered as their splash landed all over Blair. She stopped in her tracks and shook off some of the pool water on her arms. She then realized she had no idea where her friends were. She looked around anxiously. Her eyes finally landed on John B. She sighed in relief before she saw he was talking to a red haired girl. More so laughing with her.

She felt her stomach drop. Maybe he's just wants to be best friends, and that's all we'll ever be? She just felt confused and hurt. She turned to walk away but ran into someone.

"Sorry" Blair said but felt a frown form on her face when she realized who it was.

"Well look who we have here yet again?" Rafe spoke to her. "You following me or something Hartley?" He crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah, Rafe. I'm just totally obsessed with you. You think I actually wanna be here?" Blair said sarcastically.

She tried to step aside from him but he grabbed her arm. "Who the hell do you think you are to crash my party anyways?" She tried to pull her arm free.

"Don't worry about it I'm trying to leave." She looked around for her friends one last time.

Rafe let out a mischievous laugh. "Oh you can't go yet. This is a pool party everyone's gotta swim at least once." He tugged her closer to the pool beside them.

"Rafe, I don't want to. Please stop this." She begged and struggled to get him off her.

Sarah was still in the pool when she turned and noticed the situation. "Rafe leave her alone!" She yelled at her brother.

He ignored her and proceeded to aggressively push her in the pool.

A chorus of laughs erupted behind them as they watched it all.

Blair stepped out of the water dripping wet. Rafe still stood laughing with his group.

"HEY!" John B came up behind him and shoved him hard. "Don't you ever touch her again." He growled.

"Wouldn't dream of touching that slut again anyway." Rafe spat back in his face. John B was fuming now and punched Rafe in the face sending him falling backwards.

The crowd of people were freaking out cheering for a fight. "John B stop, we have to get out of here." Blair took his hand and ran before any cops could show up to the house party that was getting out of hand. "Remember what Peterkin said about DCS, I'm not the only one who's supposed to be laying low"


"Are you okay?' John B asked placing an arm around her. They found a quiet spot on the beach not too far away from the chateau.

She leaned closer to him feeling his warmth. "Me? I should be asking you that question, how's your hand?" She held his bruised hand in hers and gently rubbed it with her thumb.

John B turned her wrist to see his bandana wrapped around it and smiled to himself.

"Kinda starting to realize I don't even like parties" John B thought out loud.

Blair nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I like our parties. With just the five of us. Like our own little family nights" She smiled.

"Yeah. Family.." John B gazed out into the sea. It was quiet for a moment. Blair knew John B's thought's. He longed to know what happened to his father, but apart of him wasn't sure what to do right now. He thought about DCS and how tiring it all was.

He sighed. "Sometimes I wish we could just run away. Start a new life."

Blair looked up at him and followed his gaze. "Maybe we can. There's a whole world out there for us to see. I wonder if the guys would be down.. to just leave even if its just for awhile, we can always come back."

John B smiled at her softly, he looked down at her leaning against him. "I'll go anywhere you go."

She looked up to meet his eyes. Their faces were only centimeters away. They were so close they could feel the breath of one another on their faces. Blair slid her hand to his face, caressing his skin. John B closed his eyes at the feeling of her skin against his. He opened them again, taking another look at her beauty. Then slowly, his eyes travelled down to her pink lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad. She too, never felt such a need to kiss someone.

She didn't want to ruin her chance like last time. Blair crashed her lips against his. She embraced his neck with her arms as he hugged his arm around her waist, pulling her body close. Their lips were moving in sync, tasting each other. Their minds were blank as they lived in the moment, enjoying the feeling and sensation of each other.

Blair cupped John B's face in her hands and broke apart. Both of them were out of breath, panting. He pressed his forehead against hers as they both smiled softly. He admired her features staring at her like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen...


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