32. Island in the Sun

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"On the road again..." JJ sang.

"Just can't wait to get on the road again,"

"We're not on a road." Pope muttered.

"The life I love is making music with my friends," JJ continued.

"And I can't wait to get on the road again!"

"There's still no road." Pope said again.

"God it's so hot." Kiara wiped the sweat off her forehead adjusting the backpack on her shoulder.

"Thank you." JJ smirked back at her, earning a glare from her in return.

"How long has it been?" Pope asked.

"I don't know, thought you were the one good at keeping track of time, Mr. math team." JJ responded.

Pope sighed in frustration as he sat down on the trunk of a fallen palm tree. "Kie, you got any water?"

The three all stopped together, taking a break as the humidity was getting to them. Kiara did her best to throw her frizzy hair into a bun above her head and out of her face.

"Maybe we should've circled around the island on the boat til we found em," Kiara wondered. Already getting tired of not knowing where they were.


"Don't you think they should be here by now?" Blair began to get anxious. After the two ate their food they began to clean up the area deciding to venture out a bit more.

John B took her hand in his as they began walking off of the beach they'd been staying at. "It's gonna be fine, we'll try and look for them." He reassured her. "With our luck they're on the other side of the island." He whispered to himself.

"I mean I guess we didn't exactly plan to be arriving separately." Blair sighed as they shoved palm leaves out of their way walking deeper into the island.



"Maybe we shouldn't be yelling in the middle of an island where we have no idea where we are," John B shushed Blair's yells.

"Why not? How else are we gonna find them?" Blair asked.

John B shrugged. "I don't know, what if there's other people out there who aren't so friendly? It's just better to be safe than sorry." He spoke as they continued walking.

She nodded as John B swatted another bundle of palm leaves away only to come face to face with a dead end.

"Dead end. Let's head this way," He gestured to the left.

Blair began to follow but just as she did she heard a faint sound. Something about it sounding all too familiar. John B kept walking not noticing Blair had stayed behind listening to the faint noises.

She stepped closer to where she heard the noise, brushing past the palm leaves as she did. "John B wait, I think I hear someth-"


Blair's scream echoed throughout the jungle as she'd fallen hard down a steep hill. Her body tumbled down hitting rocks and finally landed hard at the bottom onto her back. The wind was knocked out of her as she laid there attempting to gather herself. She turned over laying on her side, she exhaled before proceeding to attempt to stand up.

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