Chapter 20 - The Water Mage

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The year is now X781

Hidden in a forest on the side of Ameria Town, a small dark guild had made it it's home. While it wasn't powerful to be considered to be a threat, the few members they have had been causing some few troubles for the nearby town with their reckless activities and thieving from the few wanderers that were either brave or unlucky enough to get closer to them.

It was only natural that a Request had been send to the nearby legal guilds with a reward of 700,000 Jewels to take of them and that request was about to be fulfilled and that a certain guild had decided to answer the call for help.

The group were all laughing and enjoying their latest haul from a merchant that was passing through the forest three days ago when their door was suddenly knocked down from a powerful attack from the outside, landing on the ground in a clatter drawing the group's attention.

"What the…?" one of them said.

A solitary figure stood at the entrance with the sunlight behind it. The figure had both hands on the side tightened into fist. It had spiky black hair which was long and feathers growing from his right shoulder blade. He stepped forward, his boots echoing on the ground and the figure came into light showing the grin that was on his face. He had iron studs for eyebrows and similar ones on his nose as his red eyes which had slitted pupils within them were staring at the group in front of him.

"Hey who do you think you are?" one of the member of the dark guild said.

"You can't just knock down our door like that," another said.

"Well," the new arrival said, in a cocky demeanor, "What are you going to do about it?"

Two members launched themselves forward and the new arrival grinned before launching forward, striking both of them down with remarkable ease throwing the members back where they came from.

"C'mon," he said, "At least make it a challenge for me."

Then a large number of the group charged forward at him and the man smirked.

"Well, if you're all coming at me," he said, "I just have to blow you all away."

He took a deep breath causing his cheeks to grow large before putting both of his hands in front of his face and a green magic circle appeared.

"Iron Dragon Roar,"

The blast blew toward the oncoming enemies blasting them all away even blowing through the wall at the end of the hall destroying a large part of the roof. The young man stood there looking at the destruction in front of him, a smirk growing upon his features.

"I can never get enough of seeing how powerful I have gotten these past years," he said.

Then he noticed that the few that were still conscious from his last attack were running away.

"He….He destroyed the Guild Hall…,"

"Get away,"

"That guy is a monster,"

"Help mommy,"¸

The dark haired guy laughed.

"Well, running with their tails in between their legs," he said, crossing his arms, "And this is a dark guild? Well, I hope Eve will finish them off…thought, she might not be as rough as I was…after all, she is a gentle Angel."

The dark guild members were running through the trees, running away from that strange guy that had attacked them out of nowhere like that. Then they came to a stop noticing gold feathers falling around them from the sky above. The entire group glanced around them, shocked what was happening wondering what was going on.

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