33. The Wedding.

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For the first time in a long time, he's not dreading waking up the next morning. Because when he opens his eyes, the dream of last night continues on.

She's there, sleeping soundly with her back to him, wrapped up in the bed sheets. He's compelled to move closer to her, pulling her into his chest and spooning her, his arm draping over her side while his other arm manages to slip behind her neck. She stirs softly against him and he worries he may have woken her. After a moment, she lets out a deep dreamy sigh before settling once more.

The alarm clock on the nightstand next to him reads 7:30am, which means they still have time before they must return to their responsibilities in the real world.

"What time is it?" She rubs her eyes, her voice is too delicate for the morning air.

"7:30." He whispers, pressing his lips to her temple.

"I have to meet the girls at 8." She shares, rolling over so she's facing him. She tucks her head under his chin.

His arm stays draped over her waist to keep her close, his finger tips tickle her back that's now exposed as the bed sheets fall to their hips. "Want me to start the shower?"

"Only if you join me." She answers back.

"Deal." He smiles. It only feels acceptable to part from her when he knows he'll be close to her again. He goes to the bathroom to start the shower, setting it to a warm temperature. He sets out two towels for them. "Do you need soap or shampoo?"

"I brought my own!" She calls from somewhere back in the room.

They take the next 15 minutes enjoying silence together. They stand under the water together and wash each other's bodies. She stands on her tippy toes to help lather shampoo into his hair and he rubs her shoulders as she tries to stretch her limbs and wake up more. They dry each other off and return to the bedroom. She grabs a sundress from her bag while he changes into a pair of shorts and a casual tshirt. He's got his tuxedo for later hanging in the closet now.

He gets lost in watching her complete her morning; rubbing lotion along her body, spraying perfume, combing her hair, and brushing her teeth.

"I wish we had more time. This feels so one-night-dy, you know?" She asks as she approaches where he sits on the edge of the bed. She leans down at the same time that she cups his cheeks. Her lips taste like Crest tooth paste.

He's advantageous in sliding his hands up the back of her thighs, bringing her onto his lap.

She giggles into his mouth, hovering over him as they fall back onto the bed together. "I can't be late."

"We've still got five minutes," He mumbles, giving her rear a little pat. "Plenty of time."

"Not to enjoy you, my dear," She gives his lips a final peck before she gets back to her feet, smoothing her dress down. "Don't worry. We'll find some alone time tonight."

His eyes trail her as she gathers her things like her purse, phone, wallet. He stands up to meet her and hands her the extra key to his room. "In case you need it."

"Thanks," She gives him that adorable smile of hers, tucking the card into her wallet before she looks back up at him. "Though I am planning on you carrying me back here by the end of the night just so you know."

This makes him grin. He tilts his head down to kiss her lips one last time. "I like that sound of that."


He spends the next two hours with the grooms party. They eat brunch, go to a cigar bar, then gather their things to drive to the venue, which is luckily that it's only a few minutes away because these men are some of the most disorganized people he's ever seen. Once there, he changes into his tuxedo and then helps Ryder with his bow tie. He double checks he's got the rings in his jacket pocket and that the other two groomsmen are ready.

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