Chapter 9

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Thank you everyone for the kind comments, I really appreciate them and I'm really glad everyone's enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it :3

There's a few songs that I like to listen to and that I think fit the vibe of the story so I'm gonna share them with chapters if people want to listen along. <3

This chapter's song is You and I by PVRIS

I sometimes forget that since the PWC was held in Galar, I'm much more popular here. I'm reminded when we leave for the restaurant and find someone's tipped off actual paparazzi, who are waiting at the doors. Their cameras flash wildly as they try to surge forward, even as Dawn jumps in front of me, angrily shouting for everyone to get back. But Leon taught me that sometimes it's okay to answer a few of their questions- to appease them, so maybe they'll leave you alone a little.

A lady holding a microphone gasps as I pause in front of her. She looks between me and Goh, blinking. "This is Goh, the friend that was always with you back when you first won the PWC, right?" she asks, sticking the microphone at me. I never thought that anyone would pay much attention if Goh and I started speaking again. I thought they'd have forgotten about that by now, or never cared in the first place.

"That's right," I say, looking at the camera, and hating myself for playing along.

"Does that mean you're friends again? It was speculated that the two of you fell out following your win and rise to fame."

I bristle at the suggestion that the breakdown of our friendship was anything to do with fame. I bite my tongue though, and instead reply "yes, we're friends again."

"Alright, that's enough," Dawn says, grumbling and grabbing my arm, dragging me away as the cameras follow, still trying to ask me questions. She pushes me into a cab and I sit back, groaning.

"I forget I'm friends with a famous person sometimes," Chloe says, blowing out a breath as she sits between Goh and I.

"You're talking about me, right?" Dawn jokes from the front seat, swishing her hair over her shoulder and grinning. I laugh, feeling a little lighter, but stay quiet for the rest of the journey to the restaurant.

I stay quiet for most of the meal, too. Dawn keeps shooting me concerned glances, but I try to smile each time to reassure her that I'm fine. I just don't know how to feel about the whole situation, especially since I've voiced my feelings to her now. Honestly, I don't know how to act, either. It's not really awkward, but the conversation still doesn't exactly flow between us yet. We still have most of the gap to bridge.

I know the night is doomed when, after dinner, Dawn orders shots to our table. They're awful, burning things that taste like licorice and almost make me gag, and go straight to my head. Goh looks equally unimpressed, which makes me laugh. We move on to a bar, where Dawn and Chloe participate in a karaoke competition. It's pretty mortifying to watch, and I spend most of the time with one hand over my eyes, peering between my fingers at them.

I try not to drink too much, mostly because I don't want to have to drive a truck tomorrow with a hangover, but also because I need to watch my tongue around Goh. Every time we make eye contact my face burns, which is super embarrassing. If he's noticed, he probably thinks I'm weird as fuck.

When we move into the next bar, a girl immediately catches my eye. She looks up as we walk in, her face stone-cold and bored. I'd recognise her from her black leather jacket alone. The frown quickly flips to a smile as our eyes connect.

"Ash!" she calls from her barstool, waving. "What are you doing here?"

Slightly drunk, I beeline for her, almost falling into the seat beside her, beaming back. "Hey Marnie. Long time no see."

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