Chapter 14

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hi everyone, 

as of last night I have officially finished writing this fic. Now I just have to post it all. it's kind of crazy because over the years i've started dozens of fics but this is the first one i've managed to finish since 2018. I really hope you like the rest of it <3

We check into the hotel quickly and drop off our things, then meet Leon and Hop. The café is pretty big, and mercifully quiet, and has more pastries than any other place I've ever been. It's the perfect place to catch up with Leon and Hop, and we order coffees and teas and sit at one of the longer tables upstairs, so that no one can spy us through the window and come in to invade our privacy.

I'm as far away from Goh as I can get, with Leon opposite me and Dawn beside me. Chloe is beside Leon, and then Hop, and Goh is on the other side of Dawn, completely blocked from my view. I know Hop placed himself opposite Goh for a reason, and now Goh would have to be stupid to not realise he's flirting, because they've been talking between themselves for twenty minutes now, while the rest of us talk in a group. I keep hearing Goh giggle, and it's making it hard to ignore them.

"You're just like me when I was your age, but even better" Leon says, shaking his head. "It's incredible to watch you battle."

"Except I enjoy the fame less," I sigh.

"I think you secretly enjoy it," he argues, shooting me a wink. "Besides, it comes with the territory. I'm glad it's calmed down for me now."

"How's Sonia?" Chloe asks, sipping her coffee.

"Vicious," he answers, and I laugh. Sonia was always good at keeping Leon on his toes. "Anyone special in your life, Ash?"

I just stop myself from looking over to Goh, because that would give me away far too much. I tense my jaw and shake my head. "Not really, no."

"That's a shame," Leon says, leaning back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest.

"His true love is battling," Dawn says mockingly, making kissing noises into the air, and I turn to glare at her. Chloe joins in, making even louder kissing noises into the air, which catches Goh and Hop's attention, bringing them back into the group.

"Well, now seems as good a time as ever to say it," Leon starts, sitting up straighter, addressing us all. "We only found out a week ago, so you're the first ones I'm telling." He smiles, and I'm genuinely baffled as to what he's talking about until he speaks again. "Sonia's pregnant."

The news hits me like a truck, surprising me so much I almost jump up out of my seat. Beside me, Dawn squeals. "Congratulations!" she shouts, clapping her hands.

"That's amazing news," I say, grinning over at him, because I can tell how excited he is just by looking into his eyes. In the years after the PWC, I spent quite a lot of time with him, and he mentored me, almost like a father figure would. That's how I know he'll be a great dad.

We talk about the baby for a while, until Leon says he needs to get back to Sonia, and promises to give me updates about it. Hop hangs around after Leon leaves, and when Chloe and Dawn stand up to leave too, to get ready for the date Dawn has planned for them tonight, I hear Hop ask Goh to hang out longer. My heart sinks as Goh stumbles over his words, but eventually agrees, meaning I'll be alone.

I try to ignore the burning sensation as I walk back to the hotel with Dawn and Chloe, but honestly it makes me mad, even though I have no right to be.

"I don't think Goh likes Hop that way," Chloe tries to reassure me in the elevator of the hotel we checked into, but it doesn't work, and it doesn't change the fact that I'm spending the night alone now. I have the two tickets to the show, which I can only use tonight because we have to move on tomorrow, and no one to go with me, unless I ask Leon, who's probably busy with Sonia.

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