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Evelyn's POV

I walk elegantly into the company, wearing one of the dresses Pamela got for me during the shopping she did with my daughter, Anna the other day. 

I have been home since that day trying to figure out how to meet with the so-called youngest billionaire and womanizer. I have been thinking of what to say to him and how to convince him to do my bidding.

I see no reason why I should allow my daughter to go on with the abortion, I only suggested it in the first place because I was having a feeling that I will lose my job soon. I didn't want Anna to give birth to a baby despite our poverty-stricken situation.

My boss was requesting an affair and I rejected the offer, he began to mistreat me at work and that led to me losing my job. 

People say I am proud, yes I am, even though I don't have money. I know what is right from what is wrong and I don't take shits.

Getting to know that the man Anna had sex with is a young handsome guy and a billionaire, I feel relieved and I want to use this to our advantage. 

I want to use this opportunity to change my life and that of my daughter. I don't take free things but in this situation, I know whatever I take from this so-called man isn't free since my daughter is going to give him his first child. His heir. 

I called Pamela back that night to ask for the company's address and other pieces of information I would be needing. 

After she had given me the information, she asked me if I had considered the job offer. I had forgotten about the job offer because my mind was filled with the thoughts of the billionaire and how we will begin to live our lives when my plan eventually works.

I told Pamela I was in, without giving it much thought. That is because I didn't want to lose two things at a time. Pamela's father is also a billionaire and I know he will pay me twice my former salary. 

If this plan doesn't work, I will fall back on the job offer, I say to myself inwardly.

Anna didn't want me to come when I told her I would. She is strongly against the idea, even though I did not tell her what I intend to do.

I want everything to work out well before telling her about it. She feels he would reject her, I feel the same way too but I know a little word of threat from me will make him succumb to my wish. I am a smart woman and I have my ways of doing things. I smile to myself again.

I walk to the receptionist with a smile on my face. The receptionist returns the smile.

"Good morning, ma'am", she greets me. "How can I help you?"

I like the way she is regarding me. I look like a businesswoman in my nude Capri dress that has a deep V-neck on an embroidered bust. I completed my look with a black handbag and black stiletto heels. 

"Good morning", I reply gently. "I am here to see Mr Alvarez", I mutter with confidence. I sound like all these wealthy women we see on TVs and that is the exact impression I want to create.

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