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Damien's POV

Her back hits the wall and she chuckles. I wonder what kind of girl she is. I take her lips without thinking too much of the reason for her laughter. I am trying to torture her before having sex with her but she seems to be enjoying all the things I have been doing to her from the dance floor.

I was trying to get her horny so she can crave my touch but she is patient enough for me to want her too. I can no longer take in the sight of her boobs without touching them. 

I want to have a taste of everything Aidan has tasted. I want to know what it will feel like to be inside her, his woman. I wanted him to see me digging into her as she screams. I want to prove a point to him, a point that I am better than him in all areas, and having sex with Tessa is just the beginning.

After telling me her name, she begins to rock her body on mine, forgetting all about her friend who is also enjoying the night in the arms of another man. 

I came to the party to dance with Tessa and seduce her to have sex with me. But she seems easy. I don't even need to seduce her for long to get what I want.

But I keep asking myself what she is doing at a party when she is going to be Aidan's supposed bride. 

Isn't Aidan protective of her? Why is she here to have fun with her friend instead of her groom-to-be.

We have been kissing each other from the dance floor when the music stopped. We could no longer keep our hands to ourselves. She initiated the kiss and I took over, kissing her with urgency and a fake passion to have me inside her.

I want to fill her and show her how better I am than her stupid love, but I need to confirm some things from her. We are trying to find our way to the car. 

We go towards the exit, smooching each other. I am glad Donovan isn't around, if only we came together, Tessa would have seen him waiting for me in the car and that will ruin everything.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask when we finally manage to get to the car. I push her to the bonnet of the car and she circled her legs around my waist. The area where my car is parked is a bit dark.

"Nah!" She replies and resumes kissing me, tucking my tie. She stops almost immediately and I can see her eyes trying to find mine. I wonder why she stopped.

"You know what?"

"What?" I question back with curiosity.

"I don't like men in suits except for one person but now I find myself liking another man in suit", she chuckles and pulls me back to her, as she stays on the bonnet, without attempting to stand up.

"Really?" I bite her earlobe softly and trail my hands down her legs which are still on my waist.

"Yeah", she moan softly and it almost pushed me over the edge. I know we can't have sex here or in the car. I need to get her to my home where I can work on my plan. 

I thought we were going to get a lodge somewhere around the clubhouse but there is none. 

While we were coming towards the parking lot, we kept kissing and I could see the look of irritation on the faces of the bouncers by the door.

"Who is the first man?" I demand, trailing kisses all over her. She is damn wet already. She is ready for me but I am not ready yet. I need to get her home.

Before she can reply, I pick her up in a bridal style and went to the other side of the seat to drop her in. When she is safely in, she kisses me again before I can close the door. I smile to myself and rush to the driver's seat.

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