Part 7

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"Let us discuss this as we used to Aro. In a civilized manner." Carlisle steps forward as the leader of the covens.

"Fair words Carlisle given the battalion you assembled against us. I believe you have something of ours." Marcus slips his hand in his brothers to show all three brothers share the same mate. "You have our queen. My brothers and I's mate."

"Let us first speak about the child as to why you are here. Your mate is in no harm's way and is not going anywhere." The Volturi and added members look at the young teenage girl sitting on the pale white-furred wolf. Two different colored eyes stare back as her heart beats fast.

"Also, your mate is the sibling of the child. Renesmee and Saphire Cullen are not immortals! You can see the blood in their cheeks and hear Sapphire's heart beating." Sapphire didn't know her heart was beating that loud.

"Edward, seeing as the child clings to your newborn mate. I believe you are involved." Aro steps forward reaching his hand out. Sapphire looks over at Edward petting her sister's head and nods at her. He walks over and Sapphire notices how Bella tries to keep a shield on him but fails due to distance.

He reaches Aro and he takes the male's hand in a slight rush. He wants to meet his mate. Memories fill Aro's mind and some are what bring Aro gasping smile to fall. He lets go and gives the mind reader a disappointed look.

"I would like to meet them." Sapphire gulps and watches Bella and Renesmee walk forward. 

'You are going to go with them?' Leah asks.

'Stay here. First, let Aro meet my sister.' the kings frown when their mate doesn't move forward. but alas, they have plenty of time to spend with her. Aro hears the strange heartbeat from Renesmee and laughs.

"Ahahaha, what a strange heart. Ah, young Bella, immortality becomes you." Aro looks down and holds his hand to the child.

"Hello, Aro." Renesmee moves past his hand and pressed hers to his face. Her memories flowed into his mind.

"Magnifico." Aro pulls away when he sees what the child has done to her sister. "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human. She has given birth to our queen as well."

"Bring the informer forward." Caius snarls wanting a better explanation as to why they have come for one child and not for their mate. Irina moves forward and looks so sorry. "Is that the child you saw?"

"I am not sure."

"Jane." Caius's patience grows thin. 

"She's changed. This child is bigger and I am sorry for not knowing that the queen was with them." Sapphire looks at Irina recognizing a mistake.

"Then your allegations were false and we were about to kill our mate."

'Leah bark.' the bark of a wolf brings everyone's attention to the queen. 'Walk toward them. Jake, please come too.'

All the vampires observe their queen ride the wolf walking forward with the brown alpha beside them. The wolves send soft growls to the vampires to move with caution. Aro moves forward accepting the reached hand of his mate. The moment their skin touches, a soft voice invades his mind.

'Hello Aro, I apologize for the silence. I was born a mute as you have seen through my thoughts. The only way I can speak with everyone is if we share a touch.'

"Understandable my dear."

"What is happening? Why do you not speak?" Caius asks.

"My friends, our queen is mute but she can communicate once sharing a touch. Brothers." After the explanation, the Volturi eases back. The kings touch their mate's hands and feel their presence in their minds. Gentle and sweet.

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