Chapter 18 - Birthday girl

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It's been an entire week with no more sex with Ellie, and I'm getting uncomfortable. We've been texting each other every day and I've found a new type of pleasure in looking for little gifs or images that will make her smile.

I tried to make plans throughout the week, but Ellie's been busy with arranging a surprise for Jenna. It's her birthday.

In film class, I know she must be messing with me. She's sitting far away, refusing to even look at me. But she's wearing another off the shoulder sweater. And when I texted her to ask if she was wearing a bra, she only smiled at her phone.

So naturally, that's the only thing I've been able to think about.

I text her again, urging her I need an answer.

Maybe I'll tell you tonight. You'll be there, right?

I will now.

Good, bring a gift for Jenna.

I spend the rest of the class imagining running my hands up her sweater to her sensitive boobs, and then making her come from massaging her tits and sucking on her nipples.

I know Julian is going to the party, he's talked about it, and what he should get for her, all week long since Ellie filled us in before she left on Sunday.

After class, I kill time and pick up a gift basket of coffees and a mug. I have no idea what Jenna might like, but I've seen her drink coffee, so I figure it's a safe bet. I've seen the necklace Julian got her and I feel confident the coffee won't outshine that, but it's still not a shitty gift.

My grandmother would smack me over the head if I showed up empty-handed or got her something too crappy. She's taught me better than that.

I meet up with Julian and we head over to the apartment Ellie shares with her twin sister. As we ring the doorbell, Winter's sister, Emma, opens. With her is a blonde, bubbly woman who reminds me nothing of Ellie.

"Julian," Emma says and pulls him in for an embrace. "Lydia, this is Julian, Jenna's boyfriend. Right? You've made it official now, haven't you?"

"Is she here?" Julian asks.

"Not yet," Emma says. "And this is D. D, this is Lydia, Ellie's sister."

"Hi," I say and try to step past them.

"D," Lydia says. "I think I've seen you around."

"Is there a place I can put this?" I hold up the gift basket.

"Over there." Emma points to a table already filled with gifts and I go to make some room.

The apartment is small, but cozy. The living room is open to the kitchen and I find a bunch of drinks and some snacks set out on the island that separates the two. I grab a bottle of beer and take a stroll through the room. There are some people there I don't know, so I try to stay away from them.

I end up near the bookcase where DVDs and books share the space. By the looks of Lydia as she flutters around and jokes with everyone, I feel confident saying that most of the movies there are Ellie's. It's an impressive collection of vintage horror movies and thrillers. Some of them I've never heard of before.

"Isn't it darling how my sister surrounds herself with this old school technology?" Lydia asks and gives me a big smile.

"Are they all hers?"

Lydia laughs as if I made a joke. "Of course. Why would any sane person lug around DVDs when you can find any movie you want at the push of a button? Or a voice command." She winks at me.

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