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I gape at the house as we get out of the car.

"This place is huge."

D steps up next to me and moves my hair aside so he can kiss my neck. "And the beds are very comfortable."

I smile at him and playfully push him away, turning to Jenna and Julian. "Are you sure your parents are ok with us being here?"

"Of course," Julian says. "They love Jenna and trust her taste in friends. Besides, whatever we do this weekend, my sisters will have done a lot worse."

"It's beautiful," Jenna says and looks up at her boyfriend.

"Why are we just standing here?" Noah asks as he gets out of the other car. "Let's get inside and get this weekend started." Emma gets emerges and pulls down her sunglasses to look at the house. Behind her, Knightley glances at her as he gets the bags out of the trunk.

Julian hurries to unlock the door to his parents' beach house and we follow him inside with our bags.

The inside is slightly less intimidating than the outside. Somehow, it looks like every image I had in my head of a beach house. There are lots of whites and pale blues, with wooden accents making it cozy.

After depositing our bags in one of the many bedrooms, I convince D to wait on trying out the bed and we head down to the large living room filled with comfortable couches and a wall of glass overlooking the beach.

"This is amazing," I say as Julian brings out a platter with fruits and snacks. One thing I've learned hanging out with D and Julian and their rich friends is that they always have snacks and drinks nearby. I have no doubt that someone filled the fridge for us and prepared that platter.

"Let's go for a swim," Emma says. She's changed into a flowy dress and looks eager to get in the water.

"Won't it be freezing?" Jenna asks. She's still in jeans and a sweater. I had to almost force her to bring her bathing suit. She loves swimming, but she's shy. Luckily, we found her a suit that isn't too revealing.

"If the ocean is too cold for you, you can always use the pool. It's heated," Julian says.

"I could go for a swim," I say.

Emma grins. "I'm sure it won't be that cold."

"I need to change and put on sunblock," Jenna says. "Then I can come with you to the beach."

"Great." Emma sits down and grabs a piece of mango. "Hurry up."

"Do you want to swim?" I ask D.

He shakes his head. "Maybe later. But I won't mind playing lifeguard if you're swimming in that red bikini."

I roll my eyes and smile. "I guess I better go put it on then."

The entire group heads down to the beach a little while later. Julian has found some chairs and towels and set them up where we can enjoy the sun. Only Emma, Knightley, Noah and I are brave enough to try the water. We line up on the beach. Jenna counts to three and we all rush into the waves.

The cold water knocks the breath out of me, but it only takes a few moments to get used to it. I laugh and take a few strokes away from Noah, who's splashing water at Emma. She splashes him back and laughs.

I take a few deep breaths, steeling myself against the cold more than anything, before I submerge myself completely.

When I head back to D, he's waiting for me with a large, fluffy towel. He wraps me up and holds me as I warm up.

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