Chapter 10: The Ancient House of Gaunt

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ARRIVING back to the castle in the pin-drop silent dead of night, Evadne silently followed Tom up to the seventh-floor. They entered the Disappearing Room and she took her customary seat adjacent to the boy in front of the fireplace. There was an open book propped up on a small, green coffee table in front of the grate.

Does he not get sick of the colour green? Evadne thought to herself.

It was her first time inside that strange room since the ordeal with the Mirror of Desire. She found herself subconsciously glancing over her shoulder at it, eager to stand in front of it again and see her truest, innermost desires.

She subsequently shook her head, temporarily burying the temptation.

"Why am I here, Tom?" Evadne asked softly after a long silence of listening to the tottering logs in the hearth crackle and pop to ashes in the dancing flames.

"You know why."

"I don't-"

"Don't lie to me. I hate liars."

"Then by that logic ... you're ought to hate yourself."


"Because you are the biggest liar and manipulator I've ever met."

Tom smirked. "That's a brash statement. It might seem that way in your head but what you just said couldn't be further from the truth, Evadne."

"Don't speak to me like I am a petulant child, Riddle. I am not beneath you. If you wish for my partnership, then treat me as such. I will not allow you to treat me like a mindless follower of yours. I'm not Artemisia or Aldora."

"And if you wish to be a parcipient of my cause - people who have all sworn loyalty to me and my objectives - then you must act as such," he retorted coldly. "And you'll start by addressing to me as 'My Lord'."

There was a brief silence where they met each other's eyes, and then Evadne burst out laughing. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"I am not calling you My Lord," she said between bouts of maniacal laughter. "What is this, a medieval court?" she mocked. She got up and bowed. "Would you like me to call you My Liege as well?"

Tom clenched his jaw. "No - I'd like you to sit down and not mock me."

"How can you expect me to not mock you when you just asked me to call you My Lord..."

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