[ 29. we escape for a fourth and final time ]

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| y/n's pov |

I WAS LYING on some kind of operating table, my eyes closed. They used some kind of sedative from a huge needle, and I could barely stay awake. I was terrified because I was about to die, and I could barely even move.

The doctor was talking to the nurses, and I could feel my heart beating quicker the longer she did.

And that was when I heard it.

Loud crashes and gunshots coming from out in the hall, and an emergency alarm, something very uncommon for the building. It was followed by faint shouting coming from two very familiar voices.

"Minho! Y/N!"

"Y/N! Y/N! Minho!"

"Minho, where are you?"

I let my eyes open slightly, just to see if I could see what was going on.

"Doctor." One of the nurses in the room spoke and I closed my eyes again. "Doctor, she's coming out of it."

"Get me another sedative." The doctor spoke, her voice growing louder as she walked closer.

I kept my eyes closed, hoping that maybe they'd fall for the idea that I was actually still unconscious, and the nurse was just seeing things.

I let my eyes open, however, when I heard the door open and the loud fighting that followed.

Minho was in my room now. He had knocked the two nurses out, and the guard who had helped wheel me in was on the floor. I watched as Minho forced the massive sedative needle into the doctor's neck, and she collapsed.

He ran over to me, and I blinked a few times, trying to let my brain adjust to what I just saw.


"Y/N, you okay?" Minho asked, helping me to sit up.

"Uhm... yeah. How the hell--?" I looked around the room and he shook his head.

"Come on."

Minho was ahead of me as we ran through the halls. I still felt drowsy from the sedative, but I was good enough to run.

He turned a corner after one of the soldiers did, and I watched from afar as he grabbed the soldier and threw him right through a glass window.

I realized then that I had stopped running, and I quickly sped up to catch up again.

My bare feet slid on the ground, and I stared at the guard lying in all the glass as I turned the corner.

"Holy shit, Minho!"

Just as I looked up, I met brown eyes I hadn't seen in months.

Thomas's eyes.

Thomas was standing right there in front of me.

His hair had grown out a little bit and he was wearing the same uniform the WICKED soldiers and guards did. He looked good. Really good.

He pulled away from where he and Newt were hugging Minho.



Thomas started running towards me, and I met him halfway. His arms wrapped around me so tightly that I couldn't even move, but I didn't care. My eyes started to water, and I held onto him like he would disappear if I were to let go.

He pulled back, his gloved hands holding the sides of my face and mine running through his hair to the back of his head, before he leaned in and kissed me.

Thomas hugged me again, his head resting right beside my ear.

"I'm never letting you go again."

I chuckled slightly, burying my head in his shoulder.

We pulled apart, and I looked behind him to where Newt stood beside Minho.

"Look, I hate to be the one to break this up." Newt coughed. "But we need to go."

"I got him! I got him!" A soldier shouted as multiple of them appeared at the end of the small corridor.

"Go! This way!" Thomas yelled and grabbed my hand, pulling me along as we ran. "Come on!"

"You four! Stop!" The guards behind us ordered as they chased us through the halls.

"Come on!" We came to a stop when Janson appeared at the other end of the hall.


"In here, in here." Thomas ran into the room beside us as Janson started shooting at us.

He closed and locked the door, and Minho and Newt pushed a shelf in front of it to work as some form of a barricade.

"Somebody get this door open." Janson's muffled voice came through the door.

"Yes, sir!"

"Oh, shit." Thomas muttered as Minho and Newt came back to our sides. We were cornered with nowhere to go.

We turned around, looking about the room to find some sort of way out, but looked back when a drill started at the door. Orange sparks flicked into the room, meaning Janson and the soldiers would probably be able to get in soon.

"Any ideas?" Minho asked, and I looked back to see Thomas staring down out the window.


Together, the four of us lifted up what seemed to be some kind of gas tank and launched it out the window, breaking the glass and watching it soar down to the water at the bottom.

"Okay, it's doable." We still looked at the water, where the tank had sunken. "Just need a little running start."

Thomas moved back and I looked at Minho, who had an incredulous look that mirrored mine.

"You sure about this?" Minho asked.

"Not really." Answered Thomas.

"Nice pep talk."

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Newt commented.

The drilling stopped and the door burst open.

"Move it! Move it!" A guard yelled, probably talking about the shelf.

"Go! Go!"

Janson got into the room and we immediately started running for the window.

We all jumped, which was probably the most terrifying experience of my entire life.

"Thomas!" Minho screamed as we got closer to the water.

"Oh, shit!" Thomas yelled.

I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed before I hit the freezing cold water. My clothes became absolutely drenched and my hair stuck down to my head as I pushed up to the surface.

Nothing was broken, that I could tell anyway, and as I coughed and looked around I saw the boys coming up, too.

"Oh, fuck." I gasped, pushing my hair away from my eyes and wiping my face.

As we swam to the edge, Thomas looked back up at Janson and flipped him off.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now