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The person who posted this post was one of the students who went to the movies with Quan Suyou back then.

She published a lot of her own interpretation of this movie, from the alienation of the plot, to the shooting technique, to the deep meaning of the story, and emphasized her admiration and love for it.

Not long after the post was posted, it received a lot of views.

[1L: I haven't heard of it, but it looks a bit like a post-modern movie style. 】

[2L: The introduction to the copywriting is quite interesting, and the special effects are done just like the real thing, but why is there no reputation for a movie of this quality? 】

[3L: After checking, the director of the film is Quan Suyou, a professor of our school. Could the person who posted the post be a student of this tutor? 】

[4L: Hahaha, this is an anonymous forum, so I really can't tell. 】

[5L: My cousin has watched this movie. According to her, the whole process of watching the movie was extremely painful. After watching half of it, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I just left. 】

The comments on the first few floors were all good, but at the back, some students could no longer sit still.

Because the poster mentioned that director Archibald was also watching the movie with them at the time.

Director Archibald appreciated the film very much, and said that he would watch it again and study it carefully.

【11L: Bragging too much, right? Don't bully Director Archibald because he can't understand Chinese, so just post freely. 】

[18L: This movie has a box office of 25 million and a rating of 4.9 points. From the performance alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bad movie. 】

[20L: I suddenly became a little curious, what movie can get such a high rating? 】

[25L: Personally, I think that even if Director Archibald really praised him, he probably just said a few words on the scene. 】

Because of the controversy, the post quickly became popular.


In the dormitory.

Yu Cheng is a sophomore majoring in directing. After class, he returns to his dormitory and turns on his mobile phone to watch movies as usual.

As a student of the directing department, watching movies is as common as eating and drinking.

Whether it is completing group assignments or writing related papers, watching movies is essential.

"Brothers, have you seen that hot post on the forum?" said the brown-haired boy on the upper bunk, "The poster actually claimed that Director Archibald praised the film "The Invisible Entertainer" ."

""The Invisible Artist"?" Yu Cheng was taken aback, "What kind of movie is this?"

He searched in his mind, but the name didn't seem to exist among the classic movies in his memory.

The brown-haired boy shook his finger: "A movie with a certain score of 4.9 and a box office smash. It was released less than two weeks after its release. It's normal if you haven't heard of it."

Yu Cheng: "..."

The corner of Yu Cheng's mouth twitched, a bit unbelievable: "Is it true?"

"Who knows?" The brown-haired boy shrugged, "Maybe it's just the poster's bragging. After all, it's an anonymous forum, so there aren't too many restrictions on speech."

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