Let's Get Down to Business

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Welcome to the book nook! Please take a seat and have a beverage because we're going to be getting into all the nitty-gritty details here.

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My name is Miya and I'm your resident book nook gal. There's not much to say about myself that isn't already in my bio, but for the sake of an introduction, I'll give the highlights.

I'm an admin for DreamlandCommunity and KirukkanGuild, a judge for many awards here on Wattpad, a reviewer, a Wattys shortlister, and a reader. I can be a bit reclusive, but I promise I'm quite friendly as long as you don't get me started on pockets...

This book nook is my latest procrastination project, a bit like a reading challenge, but hopefully more structured and helpful. I can't really think of what to compare it to because I'm planning on filling a space that I think needs it. Wish me luck!

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I said nitty-gritty and here it is. The fun stuff. Please check out the previous chapter if you haven't already because it includes some neat info and roll up your sleeves because we're going to dig deeper into this.


1. I am not always right and I am willing to admit that. But please don't attack me for an opinion. You can disagree with me and think I'm wrong, but let's discuss it like adults.

2. I have a life and this is a fun side project. I have never reneged on a commitment without at least communicating, so while I may take some time to do things, I do get them done. Please don't rush the process.

3. I will read, comment, and promo as much as I am motivated to for each book that comes. I'm not going to be making sure I dole out comments equally or read the same amount in word count for every book. That's not my style and this is partially for my enjoyment, so please don't be side-eyeing everyone else's ice cream cone to try and figure out if it's bigger than yours or not. That said, for the first password, I want you to take your two favorite ice cream flavors and mash their names into a combo. Mine: Strawberry + Matcha =
Password: Strawcha.

4. Please read and follow all the rules and the form requirements. It makes my job so much easier and your form will be declined if it is not filled out correctly. I will show you what to fix once, but there won't be any extra help beyond that.

5. Only apply for what you can take. If you can't take any criticism, don't apply for constructive comments or a review. Go for casual instead.

6. Receiving a high score does not 100% guarantee that I will complete reading your book and offer all the promo listed. It is highly likely, but a huge commitment that I don't want to jump into without thinking first. (For example: I enjoyed your book a lot from what I read, but it's 80+ hours of reading time)

7. Be kind to the other book nookers. Don't make me pull out my whacking stick.

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1. Your book must be fiction.
(Poetry is accepted but I am very clueless and will rate it on a scale of pretty to less pretty)
(Fanfiction is also accepted but again, if I am clueless, I will tell you so and be a lost kitten wandering around in your book)

2. Your book must be in English. I am a sad monolingual bean ;-;

3. You must fill out the form correctly to be accepted.

4. Your book must follow Wattpad guidelines.

5. Preferably, your book should be the first in a series.

6. If your book is Paid, you can still submit but I will only be reading/reviewing the free chapters. (Unless I've already unlocked the book or read it prior to becoming Paid)

7. You must complete the small payments before I arrive at you in the queue, otherwise I'll move you to the end. The second time I've reached you and payments have still not been made, you'll be removed from the queue.

8. You may only submit books I have never commented on for the comment option. You may still submit these books for the review option.

9. In order to be eligible for potential promo, your book must be completed.

10. You may only submit one book per round of a hundred.
(If you apply and your book is 13 in the queue, you may not apply again until I've finished reviewing book 100. You submit another book and it is 157. You may not apply again until I've finished 200. There may be exceptions to this rule in the future.)

11. You may submit the same book again if you have made major changes to it. The rule above still applies.

12. In order to receive promotion, I may dm you asking questions and requesting resources such as favorite quotes, comp titles, and book covers to use for social media posts. You may decline, but the promo will not be received as fully.

13. The second passcode is a word that starts with the first letter of your username and ends with the first letter of your book title (the one you're applying with). Make a new word up if you have to. Artistic license and all that.

14. If you apply when the book nook is marked CFCU or Closed, your form will still be accepted when the book nook opens again (provided it follows all the other rules) but you will be placed at the end of the queue behind all the other books which applied in the next duration of the book nook opening to being closed again.

15. Add the Book Nook to your library for updates on new features, announcements and when your book batch is posted. This is for your benefit, not mine.

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The form chapter will be posted when I'm ready for requests! It may be taken down occasionally so I don't get flooded and re-uploaded when I'm open again. Yet another good reason to have this book in your library :D

Miya's Book Nook [CFCU]Where stories live. Discover now