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Don't worry! I haven't burned down the book nook...yet.

Now to put on my serious hat. I'd like to announce a new rule that I'm adding to the list and the reason why I think it's necessary now.

I realized I can't unpublish the form chapter whenever I close because then it won't be possible to reply to the comments currently on there. So I posted in bold caps that the form is closed and put CFCU (Closed for Catch Up) on the title. I'm still receiving forms and it's not a huge issue for me having some trickle in, but I do think it is for those who are respectfully waiting until I'm open again to apply. This new rule will not apply retroactively but will be effective moving forward:

✧ If you apply when the book nook is marked CFCU or Closed, your form will still be accepted when the book nook opens again (provided it follows all the other rules) but you will be placed at the end of the queue behind all the other books which applied in the next duration of the book nook opening to being closed again.

I hope that this will encourage writers to apply when I'm open and will be fair to those who are kindly waiting for the right chance to fill out their form. Trying to cut the line will put you at the end of it.

Thanks for reading and sorry to add on another rule so soon after starting. I hope that it will help things to run smoother for everyone involved though <3

~ Miya

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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