Chapter 64

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A/N: I tried making a good battle scene I apologize in advance if it really sucks. God bless!


"Plus Ultra." Bakugo grumbled slightly. Y/N just rolled her eyes and backed away and stood in the middle of the arena. Everyone except Y/N came up together in a group and readied themselves for what was to come. She looked at them and noticed they were talking to each other. She smirked slightly. She charged up her quirk so she could be ready for what was to come. Luckily it was a sunny day outside with only a few tiny little clouds. Isao and Aizawa were watching from the sidelines a good distance away from the class.

"Are you all ready?" Isao yelled out to the class.

"I was born ready!" Y/N yelled back getting in a fighting stance with her guard up fully.

"Alrighty! Ready..."

"Go!" With that, A handful of the students charged towards her. Sato, Mina, Sero, and Mineta. Y/N smirked to herself again as she took her foot and slammed it onto the ground. Causing the ground to rumble and bright lights dancing along the ground. Y/N quickly formed a golden lasso made of pure light and wrapped them all together. They were taken by surprise as she wiped them and threw them to the wall far from the arena. It all happened so fast that it seemed like it only lasted five seconds. The rest of the class that had just witnessed what happened, stared in shock at the four people who laid unconscious on the ground. Still wrapped in the glowing lasso rope.

"Come on guys! Pay attention!" Y/N shouted at them. Tokoyami, Jiro, Shoji, and Ojiro came forward and charged at her. Jiro stayed behind and plugged her earphones into the ground and sent a wave of shock out into the ground. The other three jumped up off the ground and went in for the attack. Y/N grew her wings quickly and jumped into the air and delivering a roadhouse kick to Shoji. He didn't have time to react as he came plummeting down and landed onto the shock waves. You mumbled a 'sorry' to him as he laid down on the ground, limp. Tokoyami called out to dark shadow as it came from his chest. The large shadow grew in size but shrunk back as Y/N made a large ball of light in midair. Tokoyami yelped as the light was too bright for him. He felt a huge pain on his face and he flew back and hit the wall. His head hitting against his head hard and falling down unconscious.

"Damn... she's good!" Denki said in amazement. Kirishima nodded back. "Hell yeah she is! She's at the top of the class! She's so manly!" He wiped away an imaginary tear from his eye.

"She really is amazing." Uraraka said to no one in particular. However, someone heard her. "Yeah, she is." Uraraka looked over and noticed the familiar mop of green hair. "Oh! Deku." He came forward and stood next to her.

"She's not only so amazing because of her power," Deku continued as Uraraka looked up at him in curiosity. "But because she's so kind, and so caring. Not to mention very smart at anticipating movements. She may not see it herself... but I can. But..."

"But?" Uraraka asked tilting her head slowly to the side. Awaiting his next words.

"But, I still don't understand why she has to be treated the way she is. She should be happy. I mean, I know she is, but, I can see it in her eyes. She's scared, and worried. Her nightmares have taken a big toll on her. And it's affecting her in reality. I can't help but feel helpless. I wish I could do something to make the nightmares go away. But... I can't. And she can't even hav a good nights sleep for training the next day. Everyday, I can see how tired she looks. But she keeps on pushing through it with a smile. Now that... that is a true hero. And I can't help but admire her for that."

She thought about his words. She looked as she watched Y/N continuing to fight the others. Throwing Ojiro to the side. Uraraka looked at her and could see the focus and determination set in her mind. But also a small aura of sadness. She could never understand what Y/N could be going through right now. With that talk back in the locker rooms, she had poured out her feelings. And how she was really feeling. It made Uraraka sad. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes too keep tears from falling down her face. Deku turned around and looked at her with concern.

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