Chapter 75

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It was quiet and dark in an alleyway of the city of Musutafu. Except for a couple of men and women walking by, or wobbling by. Laughing and giggling in the process. One of the men held up a bottle and swayed back and forth.

"Want another round boys?" The man asked looking at his buddies.

"Yeah why not?!" They yelled, running over and fighting over the bottle of alcohol. The ladies giggled at them.

"What about me? I want some!" One of the smaller women quirkily asked while approaching the men.

"You sure your little body can handle this?" One of them asked whilst laughing.

She playfully punched his shoulder, causing him to laugh harder. She took the loose tie around his neck and pulled his lips to hers. Beginning to make out in front of the others.

"Well damn now. Don't do that! That gross!" A man laughed while downing the bottle of alcohol.

A crunch echoed through the alleyway towards the end where the street was. They eyes looked up to see some random stranger in dark clothing. Just a black hoodie with some dark pants. His hands were not to be seen since his kept them in his hoodie pockets.

The man with the bottle hopelessly came forward to the stranger.

"Hey my man! Wanna have a drink with us?"

The stranger kept silent as his hands inside his pockets. Not uttering a word to them. Until his head lifted up.

"If you don't like beer, I've got some of the good stuff." The man smirked as he then pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

"Wait, Yasuo! You brought whiskey too?!" One of the women asked.

The man, Yasuo, waved the bottle above his head which made a liquid sound that splashed against the container.

"I thought I told you I bought it, Yuki."

Yuki rolled her eyes and went back to conversing with her friends.

"So what do you say man? Enjoy yourself why don't ya? You look like you could use a night of fun." Yasuo said as if he knew the stranger his whole life and patted the strangers shoulder.

His shoulder seemed to tense up slightly under Yasuo's touch. But Yasuo being completely wasted, he didn't notice.

The stranger walked along with Yasuo and sat down on and old crate-like box that rested up against the alley wall.

Sitting down, he kept his eyes facing down on the concrete ground as a cool breeze flew by their figures.

Yasuo stopped for a moment to look at the stranger. A small feeling swept into his gut. Like a bad feeling. But, him being drunk, he decided that t was probably nothing. But at the same time, he approached the quiet and reclusive stranger and held out the bottle of whiskey.

"Here, have a drink my friend."

He didn't answer back right away. But after about thirty seconds, he took the bottle and opened it. He took one large gulp of the bitter alcohol and didn't even do anything. Which caused everyone around the look at him in surprise.

"Woah are you like an alcoholic or something? You didn't even flinch when you drank a big gulp like tha- OUCH!" One of the men shouted as his girlfriend shoved her elbow into his gut.

"You can't just ask a stranger that! It's rude!"

"Oh come on!"

"Settle down guys," Yasuo stated before turning back around to face the hooded stranger. "Why don't you share something with us? Come now. We won't bite! Tell us about yourself!"

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