first meetings

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.✧ ➤ ❝  first meetings ...?¿ ❞

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after being a trainee in the company for over a year, yuri had improved quite a lot, not only as a dancer but in most things overall

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after being a trainee in the company for over a year, yuri had improved quite a lot, not only as a dancer but in most things overall.

she had discovered that her voice sounded somewhat okay to her own ears and actually good to other people. she had also learned a new found love for writing songs and playing instruments, coming up with melodies and just messing around with music as a whole. not to mention the boost of confidence she had.

bighit— and korea as a whole— had become a second home to her and she was quite content with her life, even if it could be stressful and overbearing at times.

which is why she was so nervous when bang si-hyuk himself had called her to his office for something 'urgent' as the staff had told her.

she nervously sat in the meeting room, biting at her chapped lip which would only make it worse.

the older man finally walked in and she immediately greeted him with a respectful bow.

"yuri, i have good news for you," he said as they both took a seat at the table.

yuri internally sighed in relief, glad that she wasn't being kicked out or fired.

"i have a group i think you'd fit in well with," he said and yuri's face lit up immediately, her heart pounding at the thought of being with other girl's her age.

"but bare with me okay? this isn't a very normal situation," he explained, making the girl furrow her brows in confusion and anticipation, "the group is called bangtan sonyeondan."

"wait— bangtan what?" she asked, blinked up at him, "boy scouts? like a boy group?"

"well, for now yes," he nodded, "but if you choose to join then they'll become a co-ed group."

"a co-ed group with just one girl and however many boys?" she asked.

"seven boys— and yes," he nodded again, "but trust me on this yuri, this will work out. you can make it work, i just know it."

"how would that work?" she questioned, "with due respect pd-nim, i don't think it's not going to work. no one would take us seriously— i don't even think the boys will take me seriously."

"they're here right now and i'd like for you to meet them before you make a final decision," he said, "if you don't want to do it then we can form a girl group or even have you debut as a soloist, but at least give this idea a chance before you reject it."

she nodded reluctantly, not wanting to argue with her boss. she was a people pleaser so even if she didn't particularly like this idea, she would still give it a chance for his sake. "i'll meet them."

"great!" he grinned, going over to the phone and telling his secretary to let the boys into the meeting room.

yuri stood playing with her hands anxiously, waiting for the people who she might be spending the rest of her career with to walk in.

soon enough, seven boys entered the room. without even looking at them properly, yuri did a 90 degree bow to all them and they bowed back, although they were completely confused and clueless about who she was.

yuri didn't recognise any of them, other than two. she was glad to see at least two familiar faces.

she knew kim taehyung, the boy she had met while training. he was friendly and very funny the few times they had talked.

jeon jungkook on the other hand, she had never talked to, but only seen him from afar. they went to school together, shared most classes but had never actually talked to each other.

"boys, this is yuri," pd-nim said, "she's been a trainee for a year."

"hello. nice to meet you," she bowed again, hoping to lay a good first impression.

"nice to meet you too," one of them greeted on behalf of them and yuri wondered if he had already been chosen as leader.

"maybe you should all introduce yourself to yuri."

"ok, hi i'm kim namjoon," the leader (yuri assumed) said, "that is kim seokjin, jung hoseok, min yoongi, jeon jungkook, park jimin and kim taehyung."

"it's very nice to meet you all," she repeated herself, quickly memorising all of their names and matching them to faces.

"you must be confused why i'm having you meet yuri," pdnim said before going into an explanation, "i would like yuri to be a part of your group."

"what?!" they all let out in unison.

"my reaction exactly," yuri muttered under her breath in english, shifting on her feet out of nervousness.

"i think we should make bangtan sonyeondan into a group of eight," he explained further, "it's up to you all because i don't want to have a group that doesn't get along but i hope you realise how big this could be for you. this has never been done before and it could result in big things."

"but how would that work?" seokjin asked.

"like it works right now but with one more person," he replied, "you treat her as a member of bangtan."

"can we discuss this?" namjoon asked.

"sure, go ahead."

"i meant more like— in private?" he said, "just the boys? just give us some time to think about it."

"okay," pd-jim reluctantly agreed, "get back to me in two days with your decision."

"two days? that's it?" seokjin asked.

"yes, i think that's long enough for you all to discuss," he replied, "i want yuri in a group soon so if you decide against it, i want her to have a group still."

the boys looked at each other awkwardly, not even daring to move their eyes towards yuri before they nodded in agreement.

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