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CHAPTER TEN Christodia

I have been living with this guy for five months, and I think I'm I am in love with my captor. No, it is just Stockholm syndrome. I seem to wait anxiously for his return every day. And whenever I see his face, I get excited for no reason. Whenever I remember our love makings, I seem to feel a tingling feeling in my stomach. I hate myself for this but I really look forward to his love making every time he is near. I guess it is because he is excellent in that departure.

'Christodia, you are crazy'. This is what has become my marathon whenever I giggle like a teenager who is in love. This happens when I think of him and as a result I smile when I see him.

I have tried to stop myself from feeling anything for him but I have failed miserably. I hate myself that I no longer what to escape from him. In fact, I wish to be near him every time. I need time to get away and get my thoughts in order.

My birthday is coming soon and I will ask him to let me go out alone even if it's just half a day. I really need some distance to sort out my feelings. I only hope he agrees.

I told Kwame my wish for my birthday when he asked me himself. Let's say he wasn't that happy but he accepted it after I agreed to take one of his bodyguards with me who was also going to be my driver.

The first place I went to was a pharmacy. There is this nagging feeling that there may be something wrong with me. I told the driver that my head was aching and needed to stop at the nearest pharmacy for some painkillers.

He volunteered to buy it for me but I told him that I wanted some fresh air and so I would do it myself. He agreed. I guess he knew I have been locked in for some time now and understood me a little.

I went in and bought a pregnancy test tube and went to the bathroom. There were two cubicles and I used one.

I read the instructions on the leaflet and carried out the test and it came out positive. I am so dead. I started to cry.

What am I supposed to do now? I am not sure if Kwame will be happy about this. He forces me to the gym most of the time and has even contracted a dietitian who watches my diet and makes sure I don't get fat.

He is very much concern with my weight. I have lost a few weights and I must say, I look good but with a baby on its way, my body is sure to change and he might not like it.

After crying for a bit, I came out to wash my face and hands and was met with a really beautiful woman with heavy makeups. She was applying more lipstick to her already bloody lips. I went on to do my business and she spoke.

"Are you Kwame's new chew toy?"
Truth be told I was offended, so I chose not to mind her. But she continued.

"Look I don't mean to offend you but I just feel that I should warn you." She had my ears then but I pretended not to be listening. I have not been out a lot with Kwame for someone to even know me and call me Kwame's girl scratch that 'chew toy'.

"a friend of mine unfortunately caught the eyes of Kwame Agyeman some years ago and let's just say it didn't turn out well for her after she got pregnant and was no longer attractive to him. She was found dead at the road side" I gulped and she continued. "Shot like an animal. The police pretend to be investigating but I knew, they knew, who had done that and didn't want to offend the person. So, they left the case hanging. I was so devasted but when I found out that it was Kwame Agyapong, I kept my mouth shut. And oh, before you ask, I knew it was Kwame Agyapong because he was the one my friend was dating at that time. He kept her in his house like a prisoner and never allowed her to step a foot outside. I couldn't even reach her on her phone, but I thought she was safe because she was with him. And guess what, when she died, this man went on his business like nothing has happen. I was expecting a lot from him since he is Kwame Agyapong. I mean the whole Kwame Agyapong's girl was dead and he was at functions smiling into cameras. You don't need to be told." She added her speech looking at me so pitifully.

I couldn't believe it. It was too much for me to take it all in and I was sure I was going to have an attack soon as my breathing was becoming unsteady.

I turn to leave but she grabbed my hand and said, "look, I know this is hard to believe but, this is my card, if you by any chance believe me and want my help. I will not hesitate to help. I couldn't help my friend but from the first time I saw you with him, something has been nagging at me to help. I don't wish to see a repeat. Here is my card take it and call if you need me. My name is Empress."

I took the card and placed it in my Jean's pocket and left. I don't even know why I took it. I just felt like I should, maybe I will need it one day who knows?

I entered the car and asked the driver to take me to a nearby park which he did. I went to sit on one of the benches at the park and watched some kids play football.

What the lady said wasn't that hard to believe. In fact, it was almost like she was telling me about me. Kwame Agyapong has also killed someone mercilessly in front of me before so there was nothing preventing me from believing her. It just this pain in my heart. I knew he was a killer and that he could kill me before I fell for him.

This shouldn't have surprised and shaken me like this. It shouldn't hurt this much like this, but it hurts too much.

What do I do? I can't go back to my family; I might put them in danger even after everything that happened I was not going to put them in danger.

I can't go back to him too. I am pregnant and should be thinking of my baby too. I must run away. I turn to look at the driver and he was on the phone, probably giving him updates of where I am and what I'm doing.

This is my last chance of escaping. If I don't do it now, I might never be able to leave.

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