CHAPTER fourteen

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Hello guys so hare is another chapter. Sorry for the wait, I'm just experiencing writer's block right now but with the amount of attention my book is getting I had to try very hard to get the ideas following. Anyway happy reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️

CHAPTER fourteen: meeting again

It was one Saturday night I met the devil I have been running away from. He really made an appearance back into my life.

That was the day I had invited Jenefails out. He looked happy about it and I was also happy about it. I was all dressed that night. Nothing slutty just somewhere between simple and sexy. I was wearing a nice sleeveless short black dress that hanged my body beautifully. I had a light make up on and had a long wavy wig on. I completed it with a black strappy high heel and I was feeling good.

I took him to a nice three-star restaurant around and I was confident this was going to be a good night. Even though, the probability of sex was nil, I was stilling willing to give this guy a chance.

He didn’t disappoint when he came to pick me up. he was dressed in a nice black suit, looking all yummy and mouthwatering. He was really good looking.

We went to the restaurant and everything was going on smoothly. I could clearly see he was into me and I felt wanted and sexy. We moved to the bar side and it was there I tried to kiss him. But before our lips could touch, I felt him being pushed back.

I opened my closed eyes to see Kwame Agyapong hitting Jene. He had punched him on the face and was continuing to hit him. I was too shocked to react immediately but when I did, I was like a rabid dog. I started to hit Kwame Agyapong who had then turned his back towards me and was looking down on an unconscious Jene.

I kept hitting his back whilst crying. This man had no right to walk into my life anytime he wanted, snatching things from me. First it was my freedom and now my dream man.

He turned around and held me close to him hugging me. I calmed down inhaling his scent that I have missed. But I soon pushed him away and run out. He run after me and caught me from behind.

“Please leave me alone, please I beg you in the name of all holy things. Please leave me alone.” I was now a sobbing mess. I was tired of all these and I was especially tired for crying. I just wanted to be happy. I wanted to be free to choose who I want to be with. I had the right and he was no body to take that away from me.

“Baby please calm down.” he pleaded

“Please leave me.” Why couldn’t he just let me be?

“Okay, okay. I will let you go if you promise not to run.”

I nodded my head and he let go. I turn to see him also crying. I couldn’t understand. I was the he was hurting so why was he crying.

“What do you want?” I asked. There was no way I was going back to him so I wanted him to tell me exactly what he wanted so that he could leave me alone. I was fed up with this guy and wanted nothing to do with him.

“Well tell me what do you want from me? What at all do you want? Tell me. Whatever it is just tell me and let’s be done with each other. Do I owe you something? I never took money from you. I wasn’t the one who borrowed money from your father. You guys knew my father won’t be able to pay but you still went ahead just to trap me, me who had nothing to do with it. I know you guys sexist beings who think that women are objects you can use to gain something but I’m not an object. I’m a human with feelings. You can’t use me to pay a debt. You can’t.” I broke down after this. I felt so miserable and emotionally drained.

“I love you.” He said after a while as if it answered all my problems. “If you really want to know what I want, then what I really want is you and our son.”

“Well news flash baby, I DON’T WANT YOU! AND MY SON IS MINE ALONE!” how did he even know about him? Thinking about it, if he could pinpoint exactly where I was to interrupt my date, then he knew everything. He is Kwame Agyapong. I just hope he wouldn’t bring my son into this. I really won’t be able to take it if he does.

“I wonder when you will understand the fact that you are mine and you are stuck with me. Get into the car.” He said calmly, pointing at a Mercedes parked just behind me.

“NO” I will be damned if I get in and allow him to control me again. To hell with him. I started walking way but stopped abruptly when he opened his mouth and said something that shook my whole being.

“Get in if you want to see Bright again. As we speak, my men have him and they are on their way to our house. If you don’t get in and I drive away, you are never seeing him again.” He said calm manner as if it wasn’t a threat but I knew. I knew he will really keep my baby away from me if I don’t comply. Gosh, I hate him. My life here was over. My short freedom was over. I was back to square one again. I hate you Kwame Agyapong.

“I truly hate you. I hate you with everything inside me. You are truly the devil.” I turned and said to him. I meant every word I said. The love I thought I had for him was completely gone.


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