Chapter 34

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Arnav went to his room and had a nice shower. He wanted to feel relaxed before he go and talk to Khushi. Khushi's anger is justifiable. She did the hardest part of exposing Shyam and ended up getting sidelined.

If Arnav was in her place, he would have acted the same or maybe worse. But ever since he saw Shyam inside Javed's office he knew Shyam is not a simple cheater or a manipulator. He was a hardcore criminal. If Arnav knew about this before, he would have never let Khushi execute that plan. He would have locked her in if he had to.

Arnav opened the sliding door to the poolside hoping to go and talk to Khushi but saw her already sitting at their usual spot. Suddenly he realized how long it has been since they sat there and had a conversation.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Why ask me. Do what you feel like doing"

"Khushi, I am not here to fight. I came to talk to you"

"As I said, it's your life, Arnav. You can do what you want to do. You don't have to ask me"

"I know you are angry"

Said Arnav sitting next to her.


"Khushi please, give me a chance to explain"

"There is nothing to explain Arnav. We finally achieved what we wanted. End of the story"

"It was only one story that ended Khushi, not the whole book"

"Arnav, what do you want to say? That you are sorry, you didn't mean to keep me out like that, you had no other choice and all?"

"I am sorry, but not for the reasons you mentioned. I am sorry that I did not tell you about this plan. But I am not sorry for keeping you out of it and it was my choice to do that"

"As I said, the end of the story"

"No, it's not. And I would do the same if I had to again. Your safety is more important to me than tolerating your tantrums"

"I am not throwing any tantrums, Arnav. I am not even saying anything"

"That's what a tantrum is Khushi. Tantrums are not always vocal. It can be from actions as well. I am only trying to tell you that I did what I did for your own good. I was not ready to feed you to the wolf again"

"What do you mean?"

"Khushi, when we executed the plan previously all we knew was Shyam is a cheater and a master manipulator"

"I know Arnav"

"But when I saw him that day at Javed's office and heard how on point his plans were, I realized he was a hardcore criminal. He wouldn't think twice to kill someone. So unknowingly I pushed you to a starving wolf and to make it worst, I left you alone"

"Arnav, we have already talked about this"

"Yes, we did. But now we know how dangerous he is Khushi. I could have lost you forever because of that stupid plan. That's the only reason I wanted you out of this last plan"

"So you think I am weak?"

"Khushi, you are one of the strongest people I know. The things you tolerated are beyond my imagination. That's why my respect for you is higher than my love for you. But that does not mean I am ready to risk your life"

"At least you could have told me about the plan. You didn't need to include me in the execution, but keeping me in the circle would have helped"

"Khushi, as I said, you are stronger than anyone I know. But sometimes your emotions come in the way. I am not saying it's a bad thing. It's actually a good thing to show your emotions. That shows how pure you are. But that same point could have gone against you when it comes to Shyam"

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