[25] dilemma

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I had a feeling something wasn't right so I went outside to have a look, I heard a few rustling here and there but it was only a rabbit. Just then I felt something dash past me through my peripheral vision.

That definitely was not a rabbit.

"Who's there." I questioned warily but did not get any response. My fangs bared out on their own instinct and I walked closer to the bushes, ready to attack.

"JUNGWON! It's us." Startled, I took a step back, it was Heeseung, Sunoo, and Sunghoon.

"Sorry." I said, embarrassed. "What are you doing here?"

They all looked at me with a  'do you not know?' look. "We're here because of A - Yeong, we saw her following your car so we decided to follow her, she kept muttering 'blood' " Heeseung explained.

"D-does that mean she's in there?" I stuttered, pointing towards y/n's house. "I need to go."

Heeseung stopped me from moving, "nothing will happen to y/n." He stated firmly but I couldn't take the chance. "Jungwon. I promise."

"Y/N's blood is poisonous for A - yeong." Sunghoon said. "And she doesn't know it yet."


"So basically." Sunoo began, "it's kinda like an allergy, you know when your allergic to something and you get a reaction that's basically what's gonna happen to A - yeong. She's going to be unconscious."

"How come I've never heard of that." I asked.

"It only happens to vampires like us." Heeseung said. "And we should probably go check up on them."

"Are Jay, Jake, and Ni-ki and the girl who Jay's in love with coming?" Sunghoon asked Heeseung .

Heeseung nodded his head, "yeah they're right there." He pointed to four figures who we could hear from a mile away. It was mainly Ni-ki and Chaeri.

We quickly explained to them what was going on and they soon caught up. "We forgot to tell them the main thing." Sunoo quickly said.

"Haven't we told them everything?" I inquired while thinking over in my head if we had missed anything. Everyone looked at Heeseung, waiting for an answer.

He took a moment before speaking.

"A - yeong, has an antidote. We can become human again."

A/N: do u want them to become human or not. I can't decide :/
🥤um have this.

neighbours ┃。 ͘ ͙ ☘︎

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