Chapter 10

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Their footsteps echoing loudly through the temple's corridor. The icy walls and floor mirroring their image. The lava above their heads — that was defying the laws of gravity — illuminating their path.

"Congrats. You have proven yourselves worthy of the third trial so far," suddenly, a deep, mellow voice could be heard from all directions. Matthew raised slowly his head and gazed at the hole in the lava ceiling. An icy blue eye made its appearance from the starry sky, "I am Glacer, the God of Ice. I will be the one to judge you in the third trial along with—"

"You six shall not pass. You are not worthy to die from my power," spoke another suddenly, this time much deeper and hoarse voice as a red eye now was the one to appear next to the icy blue one.

"Igneous...these humans fought for their survival from the very first second they entered the tower. Give them some credit."

"Those are some very foolish words coming out of your mouth. I wouldn't expect less from the one who was against the Final Judgement."

"Again? Seriously? Another pair of Gods fighting with each other. Just perfect..." deadpanned Lilith with a sigh, "They don't look that Godly to me..."

Matthew in the other hand looked at the two Godly eyes in suspicion, "A God who was against the Final Judgement... Was the Goddess of Hope also against this...?"

"Could you please let us finish the trial? You caused us enough delay."

"Are you defying your older brother's words again?"

"Older brother...? The Gods can have siblings?" though Matthew once more and tightened tightly his fists.

"I don't want to be rude, but you guys are really boring. Can you just stop arguing and just get this trial over with?"

Matthew's eyes widened once he heard Kristine's deep and annoyed voice. Her indifferent gaze towards the sky and her carefree yawn proved her words.

"How dare you interrupt a God's speech, you foolish human? I, the God of Fire Igneous, will show no mercy to a mere human!"

"Please excuse my brother's behavior. Now, you six shall proceed with the third trial. Destroy the creature before you and you may pass," spoke Glacer, completely ignoring the other God's words.

"Uh... Yeah, okay... Whatever...," voiced Kristine while rolling her eyes at the strange Gods in the sky.

With that, ice people came through the icy floor as lava people from the ceiling. They all gathered together, connecting their bodies and formed a giant single body of half ice and half fire.

"Oh my God...," whispered Matthew as he stared at the massive humanoid monster in terror.

An earthquake and the icy floor beneath the monster's feet broke down, causing the giant monster to face them from the torso and up. Despite that half of the body was underground, it's height could still surpass the fifteen meters.

Kristine rolled up her leather sleeves and cracked her knuckles. A smirk being now plastered on her face, "This is going to be fun~"

She was ready to run towards the monster before them, but Dimitri quickly held her back by catching her arm.

"I'll take this on. You stay back to protect the others," he voiced with authority and Kristine's eyes widened.

"What? Is your power cool down over?"

"Power cool down?" wondered Matthew with a questionable gaze.

"Yup. I think it's time to show the kids that I'm not all that useless," smirked Dimitri now walking slowly but steady towards the monster. His calmness making everyone but Kristine wonder what was his power, since nobody bothered to actually ask.

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