Mom at 17, and i love my baby...chapter 8

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Ok, so i know alot of you probably hate me by now since i haven't been uploading. I'm sooo sorry..i know it's been forever since i uploaded last. I'm not even going to tell you why I haven't been uploading, though i do have good reasons why. Anywhoo yeah again, sorry;//

-**Fun idea I thought of>>After each chapter, you can ask me any question and I'll answer it on the next chapter I post. The questions can be anything you want, but it can't be too personal and it can't have anything to do with what's gonna happen on the next chapter and what I plan to do with it.<< So this is just a fun thing I came up with and thought of trying it out. You don't have to do it if you don't want t though.**-


I looked at Blaze, who was about to bite into his sub, raised his eyebrows at me. What was I suppose to do?

Should I answer my phone or look behind me to see who had called my name? I decided on the latter one, not wanting to be rude.

When I turned around, I almost wished I had answered my phone instead and pretended not to have heard her. Clarice Reid, Jesse's mom, stood infront of me with her usual friendly smile.

"Oh Leighton, dear, it is you. How have you been?" She asked hugging me.

I put on a smile as I pulled back. "I'm great, Clarice. How are you doing?"

"Good, good. You know, just the usual." She laughed. "My gosh, it's been so long. Where have you been? Jesse kept looking for you, but no one knew where you went. Lexi told him that you went to live with your uncle but they didn't say where."

"Yeah, it was actually a last minute thing. Lexi didn't know where it was either though. I didn't know myself until after I recieved my plane ticket from my uncle." I hated lying to Clarice. She was like my second mother, but I wasn't ready to tell her the real reason why I left yet.

"Oh, well so have you and Jesse talked yet? That boy has been going crazy trying to find you." Clarice then frowned. "Then he started dating that Aimee girl, whom I think is a really bad inforfluence on him. I don't like that girl at all."

I smiled, for some odd reason hearing how Clarice doesn't like Aimee for Jesse made me happy. But her question soon came into my mind again and I tried to think of how to answer her question. Luckily I didn't have to for long, because at the moment my phone rang again and I took it out and checked the caller id.


I looked up at Clarice apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, but I really have to take this."

She smiled at me and patted my shoulder. "No, no. It's fine, go ahead. I have to go anyways, there's a really important meeting today and I'm just on my lunch break."

"Oh ok, it was nice seeing you again Clarise, really." I smiled.

"It was nice seeing you too. Do keep in touch and call me or drop by sometime soon. I've missed you."

I nodded and after promising I would she left. I excused myself from Blaze, who continued to eat, and made my way over to the corner.

"Hey, is everything ok?" I asked Shaine.

"Leigh, oh my goodness. I think Nikka is running a fever. Her skin is burning and she hasn't stopped crying for over ten minutes already. I don't know what to do." Shaine sounded really scared and I was too.

"Ok, ok. First, calm down." I heard him take a deep breath and continue. " Now, why don't you take her to the hospital and I will meet you there."

"Umm, ok. Ok. I can do this. Wait do you want me to take her bag?" Shaine said sounding a little more calmer.

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