Mom at Seventeen Chapter 2

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Hai, so here's part 2. again please comment. this is my first story. and if you have any ideas just message me. thnx((:

9 months later

I walked up the familiar steps leading to the porch carrying the car seat in my left hand and Veronika's little blue and white bag along with my purse. The taxi driver got our suitcases and placed them on the porch.

"Thanks." I said giving him $40.

He nodded. "Your welcome, and you take care of yourself now."

I smiled and he walked back to his taxi, while I rang the doorbell. A few moments later I heard shuffling inside and someone finally opened the door.

A tired looking Lexi, still in her pajama's and rubbing her closed eyes, opened the door. "Yeah, what do you-" she cut of when she opened her eyes and saw who it was and then screamed. "Oh my god. Leigh, is that really you? Oh my god, I've missed you. Damn."

I winced when she screamed and put my fingers to my lips telling her to shush and pointed to a peaceful sleeping Veronika. "I've missed you too, but could you please keep it down. She's sleeping."

She covered her mouth with one of her hands and made a peace sign with the other. "Sorry." she whispered and smiled atVeronika'ssleeping figure. "She's so cute."

"Yeah, um can we come in?" I asked her.

"OH," she stepped aside. "Yeah, sorry. Of course, come in."

I grabbed the handle of one of our bags and went in as Lexi grabbed the other two.

"Sit down and tell me everything." she said leading us to the living room.

I looked around at the familiar house and smiled. This is where I used to live. My parents had died in a car accident when I was thirteen and Lexi and her two brother welcomed me into their house. They lived by themselves too since their mom died when Lexi was only eleven and their dad became abusive so as soon as her older brother Clayton turned eighteen he took Lexi and her other older brother Shaine, who's the only a year older than us, and bought a house with the secret money their mom had saved and had given to Clayton. Clayton was now twenty three and a very successful business man.

I sat down on the couch after gently setting the car seat down on the floor next to my foot. Lexi came and sat next to me.

"So miss Leighton, tell me everything. Starting from when you left."

I sighed. "Ok well, I went to my Aunt's as you already know. Canada was okay-ish but I love Cali more. Anyways nothing big happened, but I did meet a few interesting people and the pregnancy was looong and so many back pains and sotmach pains," I looked at the sleeping Nika, her nickname, and smiled. "but it was totally worth it."

"So how'd the labor go?" she asked.

"Painful, but again totally worth it. And of course since I called you, you already know when she was born right?"

She smiled. "December 18 at 12:18 p.m."

Yeah. 12.18 at 12:18. It's awesome how it's like that. "Good, you know. Soo how has things gone around here."

"Well, the usual. But it's been really different without you here. So quite and boring, Clayton and Shaine agree with me."

I laughed. "Ah I bet. I'm the joy of the house."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

I looked down at the ground. "Erm, so have you heard, Jesse? How is he?"

She looked uncertain for a moment but told me anyways. "Well ever since you left he's been really different. He was really mad when he found out you left without telling him and then he kept asking everyone if they knew where you were, almost beat up Shaine for it but of course even he didn't know. Then he got all depressed and wouldn't talk to anybody. He'd go around school like a zombie. His grades drop and almost got kicked off the team but coach gave him another chance and he got his grades back to where he could stay on the team but it was never really as high as it was. He avoided everyone and would glare at anyone who mentioned you and then walk out. You leaving really tore him apart, Leigh."

I sighed. He sounded pretty messed up and that was all because of me. Well I was torn apart too when I left him. I missed him and I knew I still love him. But he'll probably never look at me again for what I did to him. "Oh." was all I said to Lexi.

"So are you going to tell him about Nika ?"

"I don't know." I really didn't know if I could. What will he say? Will he be mad? Happy? I don't know. Oh gosh.

"Leigh," Lexi sighed. "You need to tell him. You can't keep Nika from him forever. Because one that's not fair, and two he deserves to know since he's the dad."

"I know, I know. It's just that what is he going to say?"

"Right now that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you need to tell him."

"Ok, I will. If he ever talks to me."

Lexi just sighed and then went to admiring Nika. After that I got all our bags and went to our room and organized everything while Lexi looked after Nika. Clayton and Shaine came back and were very surprised to see us but were very excited and happy especially coz of Nika. I was going to go to school tomorrow to finish senior year. I've been taking online lessons and also Lexi's been sending me tests and such during my pregnancy so I was pretty much caught up. Shaine was going to be looking after Nika since he's already graduated and was still trying to figure out if he was going to go to college.

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