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ALL OF THE OTHER WOMEN ON, the bed stared in Y/N and Zora's direction with tired eyes and low giggles that came from them. They thought their short interaction was so adorable and funny, especially since it seemed like they were the only ones that noticed that Zora only wanted to speak with Y/N. She hated the feeling of any of the other women's eyes wandering over her because she only wanted one person's attention.

"Aren't you gonna answer her?" One of the women teased, resulting in Zora flinching her face up at the random woman.

Y/N sensed the discomfort that flowed through the dark haired girl in front of her, so she just shrugged to herself and scooted away a bit. "No, it's fine. She doesn't have to tell me... I think I did."

"Yeah! You- you did, actually..." The girl lied, feeling bad for doing so, but knowing that she didn't want to make herself look weird.

The girls then turned back around and started smoking, talking and laughing with one another just like before, not paying anymore attention to the other women that chilled beside one another.

"So, Y/N... Why don't you smoke with them?" Zora mumbled, still wanting to strike up a conversation with the female.

Shrugging once she had processed Zora's words, Y/N hummed a little, "I don't know.. guess it's not really my thing, you know?"

Zora was already admiring the way her crush talked to her as she nodded her head. "Yeah, totally... I- I understand."

The woman's crush then awkwardly pursed her lips before she turned her face to the side, feeling a little uncomfortable because of the dark haired woman's stare that went her way.

After a few more moments of silence between the both of them, Y/N actually found it to be unbearable since they were talking not too long ago.

She turned her face straight ahead while placing each of her hands to the sides of her body.

Zora stared at the female in confusion before she started to see her dragging herself down to the edge of the bed.

Piping up with knitted eyebrows and agape lips, Zora wanted to just stop the girl from leaving, but she didn't think there was anything she could do.

As she saw her crush stand to her feet and walk over to the door, before she could even place her hand on the door knob, she jumped up from the bed and scrambled behind her.

"Do you drink?!" Zora unexpectedly yelled in her ear, causing her to wince while she turned herself over to the girl.

Y/N pushed her shoulder to her ear at the unexpected sound, "Ow, why did you do that? There's already loud shitty music playing..."

"I'm sorry Y/N!! I won't do it again, I'm so sorry...." The apologies that came from the woman really made Y/N feel bad.

She calmed down in her stance and then whirled herself back around to the door before looking over her shoulder. "No, no.. you're good, man."

"Okay cool!" All of her worries were immediately cleared from her body and all she was focused on was talking with Y/N again.

Once she saw Y/N opening the door, she started to panic a little, "So! W-Where are we going Y/N?!"

Y/N grimaced at the word we and she looked back over to Zora with confusion on her face. "What?"

"Yeah, I mean.. we're friends for tonight now, aren't we...? Where, uh.. where we h-headed to..."

"I guess I was just gonna go grab a drink...." The females crush replied awkwardly, "You can come with, I- I guess..."

Without a second thought, Zora then wrapped her arms around her crushes arm, almost causing the other woman to fall to the ground.

There was a slight gasp that came from Y/N due to Zora's bold action, but she didn't say anything else after that since she thought Zora was just a person that warmed up to people very easily.

"Let's go!" Zora chanted with a closed eye grin plastered all over her mouth.

Listening to the shorter woman's words, Y/N just shrugged and did as she said, preparing for take off with the girl that still had a hold on her.

Once they were finally in the kitchen, Y/N nearly jogged to the cooler that had a bunch of drinks in it.

When she was standing in front of it, she waited for the girl to finally let go of her arm, but she just didn't.

Y/N figured that she just didn't get the hint, but little did she know that Zora did in fact get the hint, she just didn't want to let go of the woman she fell in love with.

E/C eyes moving over to the woman, she then slowly crouched down to reach for the drink she wanted, and she was stunned at the sight of the blue eyed girl crouching down with her. She didn't even let go, she just followed her movements.

The girl put her hand into the ice cold water before she successfully grabbed the drink she wanted and pulled it back, some water dripping down her hand a bit.

When they both stood up to their full height, Y/N was actually getting uncomfortable now. "Can you, uh.. let go of me now..?"

Zora wasn't expecting her crush to be so bold but she just decided to do what she said.

As she unwrapped her arms from Y/Ns there was a small feeling of nothingness growing inside of her, and she already wanted to touch Y/Ns skin even more.

"Thanks," Y/N smiled, causing Zora's nothingness to go away in a heartbeat.

The H/C haired female raised her drink up to her lips and took a long sip before she pushed it away from herself with a gulp.

Seeing the dark haired girl staring right at her from the corner of her eye, she didn't want to make it awkward so she just thought it'd be okay to offer some. "Do you want some?"

Zora, not really much of a drinker, really didn't want her crush to think she was a loser, so she quickly gave in.

She snatched the drink out of her hand and pushed it to her mouth, her legs quivering once she did that action, and she took an even longer sip.

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