Chapter 4 | Working Together

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Scarlett pov

It's the day.. it's been a few days since the meeting and I'm planning on apologizing today to her and be a little soft..i guess

I arrived on set and she's already there just on her headphones at the corner reading a book not talking to anyone

I was gonna go to her but.."Oh you're here now, please go to your makeup and we can start in an hour" the staff approached me earning my nod

As i sat down for makeup I'm still staring at her just observing how much of an anti social she is that she's just giving nods every time someone tries to talk to her

the director went to her removing her headphones before started massaging her shoulder as y/n looked so uncomfortable trying her best to dodge him while she forced a chuckle

"Hold on" i says to the makeup team earning their nod

I immediately walked my way to them as the producer looked at me raising her brow

"Can i talk to her for a sec?" I asked and he just shrugged before leaving us

"Are you ok?" I asked with a sigh sitting beside y/n but she just gave me a nod

"Look... I'm really sorry" i stated looking dowm guilty but i felt her glare on me

"For what?" She asked innocently

"About how i.. treated you the first time we met?"

"No.. im sorry , you're right i was being unprofessional" she gave me a forced smile

I felt a little uncomfortable seeing the director earlier just staring at us with his arms crossed

"Is he bothering you?" I asked worried

I know what it feels to work with these creepy people behind the cameras and I'm just having the urge to protect anyone from them

"Uhm.. no uh.. it's ok" she says also looking at him but her eyes looked so terrified

We were then suddenly called out to finish our make-up before we started filming.

I read the script and it was really great, the scenes were more of a dramatic interaction and i actually am curious how y/n acts

The filming goes on and... she's amazing, the director will tell her to cry and in less than a second her eyes look like water falls

Our next scene was me entering a room to talk to her and comfort her character "ok change costumes" the director huff making me frown my brows since.. there's nothing in the script that indicates we change clothes

The staff approached y/n while she also looks confuse. They lead her to a changing room and... She came bacm just wearing a towel..

"W-What's happening? I was just gonna go inside the room and see her just sitting on her bed..." I asked being completely disoriented

" Yeah but figured the scene is gonna be more realistic if she just got out from the shower" he says confidently

"the last scene was her arguing with someone.. it's not necessary to put her in that" i scoffed knowing well he's hypersexualing y/n's character

" I'm the director here " he stood up

" And you're violat----"

"Can we just continue?" Y/n broke her silence not even looking at us

We did...we followed what this maniac wants just so we could finish this all up faster.

My character sat beside hers as i caress her cheek acting...but i felt something weird..i felt like i was holding a child..

"And cut! Ok that's a wrap" the director says

We all went to our tents to change and pack our things. My mind is full of thoughts and i just can't understand...the comfort felt needed and real.. this just never happened before

I was just fixing my bag when i heard someone heart skipped a beat realizing my tent is just next to y/n's and the scream sounded like her..

Quickly, i ran my way outside busting inside her tent seeing the producer holding her shoulders trying to kiss her as y/n was fighting his hold

"GET OFF OF HER YOU DISGUSTING MANIAC!" i shouted making him actually lose his hold on y/n while she ran towards me pulling me on a hug

"Can you stop going on other people's business???? Can you?!?!?" He shouted back as y/n hugged me tighter sniffing on my shoulder

The other staffs also went inside the tent hearing the commission and immediately stopped the director pulling him outside the tent

"HEY... LOOK AT ME, ARE YOU OK?" i asked lightly pushing y/n off of me just to cup her face but she just continued crying catching her breath

"Hey...." I tried again but just pulled her tighter around my arms

"I'm here... don't worry..... he's gone now.." i sighs hearing her still sobbing and i just rubbed the back of her head comforting her

I Waited till she's ready and just gave her a bottle of water both of us sitting at the sofa of her tent..."you ok now?" I asked softly tucking her hair behind her ears as i gently tapped a tissue on her forehead wiping her sweat

It breaks my heart at some point on how she's still running after her breath trying to first impression of her wasn't that great but... I can't hate my eyes she suddenly became this person that i just wants to protect at all cost

"I'll just drive you home ok?" I asked but she shaked her head 'no'

"I-Im good..T-Thankyou" she stutter still catching her breath

"No...i insist" i sigh

I helped her get her things putting them on my car before making her sit at the passenger side. As i started driving she just stayed quiet facing the window sniffing.

I stopped the car for a sec grabbing something at the backseat "here... it's my daughter's emotional support plushiee... She said it helps.. a lot" i chuckled before i gave her a the stuffed toy earning a smile from her

She just hugged it and stayed quiet again but she already stopped sniffing..maybe my daughter is right, that plushie does magic

She guided me all throughout the ride for directions before we arrived at this house which is honestly huge

I didn't gave her a chance to say no and just grabbed some of her bags helping her inside the house.

"You live alone?" I asked not hearing anything from the house while she turned on the lights

"I had a dog" she mumbled

"About that... I'm sorry for treating you that bad that day.. i didn't know" i sincerely apologized putting the bags on the couch

"Hmm.. it's fine, just adjusting now.." she sighs

"I mean you have lots of space here, why don't you get entertainment to distract yourself?" I asked sitting beside her

"I'm moving out.." she says underneath her breath just looking at the ceiling

"It's too big..that it also gets too lonely, Huh?" I asked earning her nod

"do you mind if i ask some questions?" I glare my body facing hers

" Go on "

"wheres your family? Ok I'm sorry that was too personal i didn't mean to be that invadi--"

" I don't have one " she cut me off casually saying it with a little smile

" Can i ask what happened? "

" Hm hmm.. they uhm..find out that i was into women....they abandoned me" she forced a chuckle

"i watched your interview last were defending yourself that you aren't yknow" i mumbled

"I'm scared... I'm scared that if people know.. if my fans know..."

"you're scared to be left again.." i whispered underneath my breath earning her nod

Having to meet her and learn more about her...maybe they are right.. we do have a lot in common

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