Chapter 11 | The Start

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Y/n pov

I'm just on my phone still in the hospital bed.. Scarlett went home to check on the kids and I'm just taking my sweet alone time not expecting anyone

I suddenly heard a knock and it was just the nurse holding a tray of medicine "good morning" she greeted Going to inject some stuff the dextrose

"Hey" i smiled

"Oh my god... you're actually y/n y/l/n??" She started panicking and I'm just like... Who?

"Oh my goddddd, I'm a fan. Can we take a picture??" She asked, getting her phone and i just nodded

After taking the picture an actual fact hit me "can you uhm.. not post those while I'm staying here? I'm tryna survive coz.. someone is like low-key want me dead" i stated earning her nod

I honestly don't care about that i mean I'd voluntarily jump off a building.. BUT i just don't want paparazzi to ambush the hospital premises and disturb the other patients plus make issues about me

After the nurse did what she had to do, just in time Scarlett came back holding Plastic bags "bought you some food" she says while we both watch the nurse just get out of the room

"hmm, how's the kids?" I asked as she transfers the food on a plate

"They're ok and.. rose was wondering if.. you wanna go to Disneyland next month?" She asked setting up a breakfast tray on my bed

"About that...can you like come here for a sec?" I asked making her sit down beside me

"You ok?" She asks

"Uhm...the investigator just called earlier..the food that causes the numbness was the cookies i got from the mail yesterday from someone i don't know" i explained while she looks at me worried but held my hand squeezing it in a soothing way

"Why would you eat food that has been mailed to you by a stranger?" She frowned her brows weird out

"The amount of chocolate chips.. it's veey tempting" i nodded while she shrugged agreeing

"But yeah my point is..maybe we should lay low a bit in public.. specially going out with the kids.. i just don't want y'all to get in trouble because of me"

"I have an idea" she suddenly says her face lighting up like she just won the lottery in the first try or something

She held both my hands still the same expression "why... don't... You live with us?" She asked smiling widely

"Did you even listen to me?" I responded with blank expression... I just said avoid being with me and now she wants me in the same roof 24/7 which is honestly not a bad idea... The possibilities

"Scarlett, if you wanna have sex just tell me" i sarcastically says earning a click on her tongue and a slap on my bicep all from an annoyed woman

"Oh.. sorry, that wasn't very respectful of me... I'm sorry, ma'am" i shaked it off watching her go from annoyed to 'what the hell is going on that mind'

"I can't help it, i just wanna be around you" she pouted resting her chin on my shoulder wrapping her hands around my waist

"Are you a lesbian?" I asked


"You move like lesbian fast" i huffed

"Maybe i am and probably just gaslighting myself the whole time I'm marrying men" she playfully says

" Seeeee? One second you're like lets move in together and now you're talking about marriage" i tilt my head looking so confused as she just keeps on chuckling

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