5. Back to Korea

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5 years later:
At Seoul Airport, a boy wearing a beautiful dress with a cute little girl wearing the same dress as him enters. Seoul still feels the same to him. It still provides him the comfort no other place in the world can provide. After all our house always remains ours. He has many memories related to this place. The boy is really beautiful and slim. His face is glowing in the light. His black silky hairs are making him look even more beautiful. His eyes are shining with hope and positivity.

The little girl with him also has long beautiful black hairs. Her face is turning pink due to sunlight. Her doe black eyes are sparkling just like her father. Whenever she smiles her lips turn into a beautiful shape and her charming dimples appear on her cheeks which make her look even more cute and beautiful. They both were looking really beautiful and perfect together.
If an outsider sees them then he will surely think that a famous film star is going out for vacation with his child.

Taehyung along with his daughter, Areum, is trying to handle all of his luggage. Before they could move forward, a small bag slipped out of his hands and all things present inside it scattered on the floor. He bent down and started collecting them.

Areum is sitting on the biggest suitcase. She is looking around with her beautiful doe eyes. She saw many people coming from the other side. A handsome man with bodyguards around him is entering the airport. He must be some VIP.
Areum thought, 'This uncle is so handsome. He looks like the king of a palace.' According to her the handsome man's personality is like the kings about whom she had read in her story books.
She liked the man a lot. She wants her dad to be just like him. Handsome, strong and powerful. She smiled at the man showing her cute dimples to him.

At the same time Jungkook who is entering the airport looks towards the cute girl sitting on the suitcase and smiling at him.
"She is so cute and beautiful." These words left his mouth automatically by looking at the little girl.
Whenever she smiles her cute dimples appear which make her even more cuter. It melted his heart. He can't help but to smile back at her.

Taehyung who was collecting everything from the floor got up and looked back at her daughter and asked her, "Ari baby what are you looking at?"
Areum turned towards her mother and excitedly told him, "Mumma I saw a very handsome uncle just now. He had cute dimples just like me. He even smiled towards me."
Taehyung looked around but he didn't see someone like that. He can only see people entering or exiting the airport. He looked towards his daughter and asked her, "Baby are you sure that you didn't smile at the uncle first?"
Areum didn't reply to that. He sighed and said, "Ari baby it's not important to smile or behave cute in front of every handsome uncle. Did you understand?"
Areum looks cutely at her mother and said, "I know mumma. I really didn't behave cute in front of that handsome uncle. Can't you see my serious face." But her cute face was not at all matching with her serious talks. Taehyung just pulls her cheeks lovingly and smiles at her. He then took his luggage and left the airport along with his daughter.

In the VIP lounge of the airport Jungkook was attending a meeting with his company's manager Mr. Choi. During the meeting Jungkook noticed that Mr. Choi is looking  at his mobile screen again and again.
"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked him.
If Mr. Choi wasn't smiling like a fool while looking at his mobile screen then he wouldn't have even asked him about it.
"Live streaming." Mr. Choi replied and laughed slightly.  If we say accurately then he was looking at a previous episode of live stream of a cute little girl. He was also shocked by her acting and talking skills. She is really talented.

"Oh nonsense." Jungkook said. He thought the man in front of him was just looking at something like live streaming that- also within a meeting.
"How watching live streaming is nonsense Mr. Jeon?" Mr. Choi asked. "Have you ever seen it before? Without watching you can't come to any conclusion Mr. Jeon. Please don't comment on something like this without watching it." He added.
Actually Jungkook really never saw a live stream before. According to him live streaming is just a way for people or some celebrities to earn money by doing some useless things. What is it there to see within it?

Jungkook wasn't saying anything but on looking at his eyes one can say that he is really irritated.
Mr. Choi realised that in flow he spoke a lot. He quickly said, "Look Mr. Jeon it's not like I love watching it a lot. It's just my son due to whom I have to watch this live stream."
"Mr. Choi I really didn't want you to feel bad or uncomfortable." Jungkook said.
Mr. Choi replied, "Mr. Jeon I only wanted to say that all live streaming is not fake. Look at it once, this live streaming channel is of a 4 year old girl. Her cuteness and smile can easily melt anyone's heart. She has a killer smile."
(Just like her dad  😁😁😁😁😁)

On recommendation of his manager Jungkook looks at the last video of Cherry Baby on mobile phone. On looking at the little girl in the video he understood something or you can say remembered something. 'Isn't it the same child he just saw?' He thought.

Cherry baby's live streaming was really funny and interesting. The content in the video was mostly related to the talk between cherry baby and rabbit mumma. They both were very funny and interesting. Cherry Baby also shows her talent like storytelling, singing or dancing through her live streaming channel.

After looking at the video, Jungkook from a one time viewer became a full time fan of her. So cute. So amazing. Really this cute baby can make anyone's heart melt. Jungkook can't help but to think that her parents must be really proud of her. They must be grateful that they have such a talented child. He had never seen such a cute child before.
Before sitting inside the plane, he installed a live streaming app on his mobile. He is following only Cherry Baby on it.

Before the plane took over, the flight attendant asked everyone to switch off their phone. Jungkook was going to switch off his mobile when he got a notification from the Airport Association, "Mr. Jeon according to our knowledge Mr. Taehyung just entered Seoul Airport. His flight number is 11072."

"Taehyung! H-he came back to Korea." He had waited for five years for the boy and now finally he got some news about him. As soon as Jungkook saw the notification on his phone he couldn't control his excitement. He cancelled his trip immediately and asked his assistant to stop the plane from taking off.
Mr. Choi saw that Jungkook had cancelled his trip and was going to leave the plane. He asked Jungkook, "Mr. Jeon where are you going? Flight is just about to take off."
"To take my wife." Without turning back Jungkook replied and immediately left the flight.
Mr. Choi was still confused. Did he hear correctly? Or his ears not working properly? What did Jungkook just say? Wife? Which wife? Whose wife? A man who is completely single from the past 28 years and always leaves far away from all man or woman is saying that he has a wife. Is Mr. Jeon gone mad?

Outside the airport, Taehyung smiled while looking towards the sky. Seoul. He is finally back here. But with a strong version of himself.
Areum looks around excitedly and asks her mother, "Mumma is it this place where you used to live when you were a kid. Are we going to live here in the future?"
"Yes Ari Baby it's the same place and from now on we will be living here." Taehyung told his daughter.
"Mumma Seoul is really beautiful. I am really liking it here. After settling here we will earn a lot of money." Such a small baby but such big talks. She again said, "Mumma when we will have a lot of money we will buy a daddy for me. Then you don't have to work this much hard. He will take care of us."

Taehyung became emotional at it. He hugs her and his eyes brimmed with tears. If only he new who was that man with whom he sleep that night. "Ok baby we will work really hard to complete your wish. We will earn a lot of money and will buy world's best dad for you." He told her.
Areum smiled widely at that and said, "Yes mumma." Then she thought something and said, "Mumma I hope dad know how to cook and he will not keep baby and mumma hungry. I also hope that dad know how to wash clothes and clean the house so that mumma don't have to face problems anymore. He must be strong and powerful so that he can protect us." Anyone can say that Areum is really protective for her mother. She wants the best for her mom.

"Ari baby you have a lots of requests. For so many requirements we need to pay extra fees." Taehyung said.
On hearing that for her daddy she need to pay extra fees, Areum saddens. She asked her mother, "But Mumma when are they going to sell daddy?"
Taehyung smiled and said, "When Ari baby will have a lot of money they will gonna sell best daddy for her."
Areum smiles and excitedly says, "Ok mumma baby will work hard and earn a lot of money to buy world's best daddy."

So finally Taehyung is back.
Isn't cherry baby cute?
Will taekook finally gonna meet or not?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Let's see in next part.

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