47. Alexander dead

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Jungkook smiles slightly looking at the five of them. They all hug each eachother as they are meeting after a long time.
After greeting and joking around with eachother they sit on chairs around the table and Lucas starts the projector to discuss everything about their mission.
Namjoon and Nicol are also attending the meeting through video conferencing.

Lucas says, "You all know that now the leader of Black Swan means the king is the son of the ex-leader who was Thomas. We couldn't find any information about the current leader till now except a few which we have already discussed."
Everyone nods at that. They are just some basic information which is of not much use.
Lucas then clicks a button and a picture of a beautiful lady appears on screen. He says, "Recently I and Nicol got to know that the king has a younger sister. She is Emily and she is working as an actress in the entertainment industry."
Now this picks everyone's interest. They have been trying to find something about the king for so many years but couldn't get any information about him. This information can be really useful for them.

Lucas says, "And guess what Emily is completely smitten over our Mr......?"
Now everyone looks at him curiously. They want to know who is the unlucky person in their group.
Leehan asks in a teasing tone, "Is it our Mr. Jeon as everyone is smitten over him? I would like to see what will be brother-in-law's reaction to this new information."
Nicol looks at Leehan with somewhat funny expressions which everyone observes except our Mr. Mayor.
They all understand who is the unlucky man here.
Lucas says, "So the answer is....."
Others except Leehan say, "Our Mr. Mayor."
Leehan looks at them with wide eyes. He then looks at Lucas to confirm who nods his head in confirmation.
Jungkook says in a fake sad voice, "Sorry Leehan you won't be able to see any reaction from my baby from this new information."
Leehan says, "Yeah yeah whatever."

Everyone presses their lips together to control their laugh after looking at the pissed off man.
Lucas then says, "Ok guys we can discuss what to do with Emily later as now we need to focus on our tomorrow's mission."
Everyone agrees and they again start looking towards the projector.
Lucas says, "So tomorrow's mission is to destroy Black Swan's base present in Korea. We don't know about its exact location but it is somewhere inside this forest near Busan."
Everyone nods understandingly.

He again clicks a button and now a picture of man appears on screen where the location of the forest was showing till now.
Seeing the man's face Jungkook's eyes turn dark. He remembers how this male was looking at this wife. How because of him his wife was trembling in his arms. He will cut the man into pieces for sure.
Lucas says, "He is Alexander. The one who is handling Black Swan's base here in Korea. Tomorrow a new set of kidnapped kids is coming at this base and Alexander is going to be present there."
He then clicks the button and a photo of a lady and a kid appears.
He says"This is Alexander's wife, Rosie and his son, Roy. The kid has been used as a test subject for drugs and he is now completely addicted to them."
They all just sighs hearing it. This is what they have been trying to stop for so many years. They don't have any choice except to kill the kid as he could be dangerous for others in the future.

Lucas then again changes the screen. Now a picture of 2 ladies and 1 boy along with one or two kids each having near them appears on a big projector. He says, "These are Alexander's mistresses along with his illegitimate kids."
Everyone looks at the screen with somewhat disgusted expressions.
Leehan asks, "Are they also used for drug tests?"
Lucas says, "Unfortunately yes."
Everyone nods at that. It was not something that they weren't expecting.

Lucas then moves to the next slide and pictures of some boys and ladies appear on screen. He says, "These are also his mistresses but they don't have any kids till now atleast."
Everyone rolls their eyes. Don't this man have any other work except sleeping around?

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