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I SPEED through my neighborhood, not giving a single pickle if I'm going to fast or if my Cardi B music is too fucking loud

I'm upset and hangry about what just happen in the campus parking lot and the fact that I haven't eating all day just makes me want to punch someone in the face for or so slender man's face and yes I called him slender man because his one tall mother fucker and he looks like one and because I didn't get his name

Breathe Sophia, it's not like going to see the guy in campus anyway.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself and turning my car off when I drive up the driveway I get out and slam my car door shut before locking it and heading towards my front door and also slamming that shut, which in return my mom started yelling at me.

"SOPHIA, who taught you to close doors like that?!" My mom yells, as I run upstairs.

"Sorry!" I yell back, as I also slam my bedroom door shut receiving another yell from my mom.

"Woah, who got you upset Soph?" Aria says, as she walks inside my room and closes my door.

"Long story short, I almost got ran over" I said, as I take a drink of my water and lay down face first into my mattress while Aria sits there in silence and starts shaking me

"What! How did that happen?" Aria said, as she finally moves me to my back and shakes me even more

"I said, long story short Aria I'm not saying more than that because if I do, I might get even more angry" I say, as I sit up and drink more of my water and turn back to look at her.

"Anything happen, while I was gone?" I ask her, as I stand up and clean the mess, I had left on the other side of my room

"Uh not really but guess who texted me!" Aria shouted, with excitement.

"Aria, I love you but I'm not guessing which side hoe texted you or who your new man is" I tell her, I mean I lover I really do but she's a hoe-- respectfully

Not even me, I only had one boyfriend my whole life and that took a dark turn

"Well then, hope whoever almost ran you over has a wonderful night, asshole" Aria says, as she leaves my room

Shaking my head, I turn on my TV and put on a movie as I clean and after I'm done, I head to the bathroom and do my night routine, as everyone else is downstairs and making a lot of noise like always

Putting my shorts, and shirt on I go to sleep-- well try to go to sleep because I can't stop thinking about how the University would be like and if I'll be able to make any friends on my first day, but the most important thing is if I'll have a nice roommate because I for one do not want a roommate who brings guys or girls over every night, but yet again Maria said the dorm rooms were like mini apartments so I think I should be good-- right?


I wake up, at 5 in the fucking morning to get ready to leave my house and go to my very first day of college

I get up from bed, and head over to the bathroom while making a lot of noise as I can to wake these bitches up, if I'm up this early in the morning so are they and because they were up at 3 in the fucking morning doing god knows what

From Hating You To Loving You Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz