XVII. Gale Weathers Is That Bitch

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   Chapter 17,
    Gale Weathers Is That Bitch

  Gale was unaware of the situation going on revolving around her, she wasn't even aware of the fact her new boyfriend was murdered right behind her. She was only notified when said boyfriend handed her the phone, considering that ghostface was very much calling her, to give her a small warning. All of this was horrifying to live through again, especially for Gale considering she was always harmed in some way.

 "You couldn't stop what happened to Dewey. Just like you won't be able to stop this." 

  The phone call ended, and Gale's boyfriend was thrown through the shelves, breaking some glass as his body just lied there. Letting out a horrific scream, Ghostface showed himself from the shelves and looked at Gale. It seems like no matter how old Gale will get, she will still have to run and fight for her life, she was done with running and fighting.

 However, as much as Gale did not want to run or fight, she had to do it now, Ghostface was running right at her, full speed. Almost getting cut in the kitchen, Gale had grabbed a frying pan and slammed it on the side of the killer's face, she managed to get away from the killer and run outside, trying to find enough distance so she could get inside of a room to protect herself. This was very nerve-wracking, and very scary might I add. Luckily, Gale was able to get into a room, she opened up her closet and grabbed a box, unlocking it.

  Gale was that bitch, no matter what anybody would say, she always held it down, not just for herself but for Sidney, and Dewey. You can add Daphne, Mikaela and Mika to the roster because it wasn't until Mikaela had smacked some sense into her the day Mika punched her, Gale knew what it was like to love someone so much and then get hurt because they died. 

  Putting the bullets into the gun, Gale took the safety off and held it towards the door, she shot it twice and watched as the door stopped being banged on. 

  "How's that for nostalgia fucker?" Gale asked, the phone rang again, and the girl was hesitating to answer it but she knew she had to.

  Meanwhile, Mika, and Daphne were driving to her apartment while Mikaela was screaming so she could go with her sisters, not once have they been separated since the attacks of last year. 

 "We are doing this for your safety, you cannot go with them Kae." Wayne said as he looked at Mikaela, who was probably planning every single one of their murders right at this moment.

 "My safety is with my sisters, and no offense, I don't trust you." Mikaela retorted as she tried once more to get out of the van to try and flag down a taxi to take her to Gale's apartment.


  Gale had let her guard down for a second, she finally had ghostface down and she had the best moment to kill him, but she didn't and she couldn't. Curiosity got the best of her and she tried to unmask the killer, only to get a glass shard stuck into her side, this information was never mentioned to Mikaela until later on.

 Even if she died, Gale Weathers is and always will be that bitch.

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