Devil for a Lost Cause✅

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"Four misfits team up to expose a dirty politician

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"Four misfits team up to expose a dirty politician. What could possibly go wrong?
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In Sam's world, there are only two sides: the North and the South. With Northerners having more opportunities, the South is left to suffer the aftereffects of something that occurred two decades ago, something they were blamed for, but not necessarily proven guilty of.

Nineteen-year-old Samuel Williams, a Southerner, has been out of prison for a year, and his only goal now is to make a life for himself. He wants nothing to do with his past.

That is, until he's dragged back into it. Literally.

In order to pay off his gut-wrenching debt to a gang leader, Sam is forced to make a difficult decision: return to his life as a thief or risk getting killed by his loaner. With nowhere else to turn, he's left to do what he swore he'd never do again, as he plans a heist on the very man who set him up the night of his arrest: Andrew Leavens.

Sam knows he can't pull off the heist alone. Fortunately for him, there are those willing to help, including an ex-assassin, a bounty hunter, and a skilled hacker. But as light sheds on some startling secrets of Andrew's, Sam realizes he might have to do more than just pocket the politician's wealth."

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