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Pov Esan

I woke up slowly, I wasn't a great sleeper but I was just so tired last night that I feel like I slept for a decade.

"Assalam Alaikkum" I heard a melodious voice echoing in my room.

It took me a moment to connect my neurons and finally understand what was happening. Samira was standing in front of me, with my son in her arms, her wet hair wrapped in her towel.

This vision of the beautiful morning made me smile.

"Walaikkum Salam Samira", I replied cheerfully.

Her smile widened and she handed Rizwan to me in my arms, and I took him, he didn't seem very happy to leave Samira's arms.

"It hasn't even been a day and you've already ejected your abu from your heart, Rizwan?" I asked her falsely in a dramatic tone.

His hands twitched, MashAllah, my son was always so lively. "He's already eaten, and I've changed him" warns Samira.

"Thank you" I said, I was really grateful, so that's what having a life partner is all about, who really cares about us?

"Esan, Rizwan is just as much my son, why thank me? Between husband and Wi...

she cut herself off, blushing like a tomato as she realized the end of her sentence.

"Husband and what? I didn't quite hear the end" I said teasingly, I liked to tease her, she didn't answer, just blushed even more as I held back my laughter.

"Mommy's embarrassed" I murmured softly to my son.

Samira questioned me with her eyes, not having heard what I said, and I shrugged just to annoy her more, she simply rolled her eyes in amusement, if she knew how childish I could be sometimes with her "And love her" my mind breathed.

I silenced my mind, and watched as Samira unwrapped the towel from her head, letting her wet hair fall to her back, I swallowed as I followed the water droplets from her front strands quietly down her neck. She wasn't wearing a dupatta either, her body was the first time I'd seen it so freely, I tried to control my gaze but I couldn't help devouring her with my eyes.

She was... she... She was... "SEXY" screamed my inner voice, making me look down at Rizwan.

Shame on me, what kind of thinking is this? She's your wife! my conscience reminded me

"Esan, can you come and show me how to turn this on?"

Raising my gaze to Samira, she held the hairdryer in her hands, searching for the ignition button, I deposited Rizwan in the center of our bed, surrounding him with pillows.

"Rizwan, don't fall off," I warned him earnestly, before rejoining Samira.

I took the hairdryer from her hands and switched it on. "Thank you", she said, retrieving it from her hands.

She turned to the mirror to dry her damp hair, and by the look of it, one of her strands was caressing my face, smelling of lavender.

"She smells good, our wife, lavender is our new favorite scent", my inner voice shouted with amusement.

To which, with a slight smile, I closed my eyes, savoring the touch of her hair on my face, it was sweet. For a moment, I didn't feel it, and opened my eyes to see what was happening.

Samira stood back towards me with a questioning look, and I looked around, standing behind all the way, letting her hair caress my face with my eyes closed. I smiled stupidly, hiding my embarrassment.

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