✨17✨: Confession & Forgiveness

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Pov Esan

"And if it was another serial killer standing behind this door, are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes, Samira stood slightly, hidden behind me, while I was about to knock on the door of a house.

We'd been walking for a long time in the forest, not really knowing where we were going. It was dark and fortunately we'd finally found this one house. I wasn't really feeling serene about this place, even less so with Samira by my side, because if something happened to me, I couldn't handle it, but Samira couldn't.

That's why even if there was a serial killer hiding behind this door, I had to knock, we couldn't spend the night out there even if I'm sure that the probability of there being one is as likely as the probability of Samira remembering the way back.

"Esan, don't do this ! "she whispers softly to me.

"Samira, you know what, if there really is a serial killer, I'll hold him off so that you can run away first. You'll come back for me if a lion hasn't eaten you alive," I said her ironically.

She glared at me, and I finally knocked on the door, and just as I saw it open, I passed a protective arm in front of Samira.

An elderly couple were standing in front of us, "Good serial killers change their appearance " my mind laughed.

I laughed inwardly as I gave Samira a long look. "Assalam Alaikkum, what can I do for you at this time of night?" asked the lost old man.

I thought for a moment whether I should tell him the truth, and whether he would get scared and refuse to let us stay the night.

"Walaikum Assalam, my wife and I came here on business but we've lost our guide, and we don't know the way back to the village, would you mind letting us spend the night here, and we'll leave in the morning without bothering you? "I ask them, lying.

The old man, who was very friendly, replied that he didn't have any problems and that it often happened that he put people up, as his house was the only one close to the forest, and he even offered to accompany us tomorrow on the way back.

"Come in and warm up", his wife kindly invites us.

Samira and I gave him a warm smile, and went inside, the house was small, but it offered us shelter, not forgetting that we were in a very rural area and that it was quite difficult to get supplies.

The old woman pointed to a tiny room where Samira and I could sleep for the night, and went off to get some blankets.

"I'm sorry, but I've only got one chapati to offer you this evening," she said, returning with some blankets and a small plate in her hands.

"It's not necessary, it's already a lot to take us in and we've also eaten a lot before" Samira assured us gently, taking only the blankets.

The old woman refused to let us go to sleep without giving us any food but Samira finally convinced her that everything was fine, I smiled as I watched how sweet she was trying to convince her to keep the food for her and her husband.

"Can I at least offer you some water? "asked the old woman.

"It would be a pleasure" replied Samira, smiling.

She drank her glass of water while I shook my head in the negative, I wasn't thirsty but that was without taking into account my wife's tenacity,

She took the other glass of water and forced it down my throat, frowning. I frowned back at her to show my displeasure.

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