♡ Chapter 39 ♡

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Y/n was lying on her bed while looking at the white ceiling in her room. She was in deep thought when she heard the light cry of a crow. Y/n rolled her eyes and sighed, turning her head towards the man who was sitting in a chair in the corner of her room while reading a book. She glared at the raven, who was giving her an apologetic look. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. Habits, you know?" he said, making y/n's glare harden.

After everything, why is he treating her well? Why is he being friendly? Why was he even here?

"Are you here to spy on me, Mr. _____?" What was his name again? What did that blonde call him before?

"Chester," the soft voice of the raven, interrupted y/n's thoughts. "Okay, Mr. Chester, if you are here to spy, you can go and tell your master that I am not that stupid to risk everything." y/n spitted.

The raven tilted his head to one side like a bird. "I am not here to spy on you, lady y/n. Master, ask me to give you some company. And Chester will do what his master says to him." With that, he went back to read the book making y/n scoff.

"Why are you inside my room, Mr. Chester? It is not polite for a man to stay in a lady's room. You are making me uncomfortable. How can I trust that you won't harm me in any way after everything that happened?" Y/n barked again, trying her best to send this man away, but it only made the crow shapeshifter put down the book and look at her.

"I am not asking you to trust me, my lady, but I won't do any harm or let a single hair of your body get harmed. I know that it is not very gentlemanly to stay in a lady's room, and I am so sorry I am making you uncomfortable. I have no choice but to listen to my master. There are many things in this place that are out of my reach." He said it like he pitied her, but y/n didn't need anyone's pity; she had already lost many things. The only things that made her keep going were the thoughts that Jungkook was still breathing and that the few other dragons who were alive were still fighting for their lives. And now she was also tied up in an unwanted marriage with a heartless monster that wore human skin. She hated how it was the only way she had to save the dragons who were still alive. After all these things, what can y/n do with someone's pity? What is the use of it when she didn't get any help when she needed it? This raven was there most of the time when these things happened, but he stood by evil's side and watched. Maybe he didn't have any choices, or he was also helpless, but he was on that monster's side while listening to everything he said like a dog. When y/n was begging for help, when she watched Teahyung's blue eyes go lifeless, when she watched the dragons get captured, when she watched her lover in pain, soaking with his own blood, fighting for her, there was no one, on one but her who bore the pain. So she didn't want some fake pity. Maybe it's not any of Chester's fault; maybe it was unfair to be angry with him, but she couldn't help but hate because she watched her whole world break down in front of her. 

Y/n turned her head back to the ceiling. There was a small silence between them before a thought suddenly started bothering y/n. If she had to pretend to be friendly with this man to get information, she would do it. She looked at Chester again. "Chester, can I ask you something?" y/n said while raising herself up to the head board of the bed to a comfortable sitting position.

"You can ask me anything, young miss, as long as they don't cross the boundaries. I will try my best to answer you honestly." Chester said while closing the book a bit and placing his finger between the pages he was reading. He turned to y/n giving her his full attention. Y/n was shocked to see this man agree to answer her questions. "So where is Tieran keeping the weredragons locked?" she asked. "I am so sorry, Miss y/n I can't answer that question. First of all, it is crossing the limit, and the other thing is that I really don't know where they are." The raven replied, making y/n look at him with cold eyes, but her attitude changed when she saw how sincere he looked. It's not that y/n trusted him. How can she trust anyone after everything that happened? But Chester was the only one who treated y/n with respect since she came here. "Maybe in the secret room behind his office with that black beast." Y/n murmured, and Chester hummed with a nod, but he was in deep thought.

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