Chapter four

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Hazel's pov

When I awoke, Aurora's hands were on my legs, shoving them away while she was still asleep. Her adorable little face displaying an angry frown. I took my legs off of her and sat up, grinning down at the young child as I toyed with her soft hair, making her whimper as I drearily pulled my hand from her. How she changes from being a needy baby, like the other day, to a non-affectionate one impresses me.

I walked into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot, boiling water. As a vampire, I am constantly cold due to my nearly frozen heart which pumps cold blood. Vampires' hearts freeze when they turn 140 years old to stay alive permanently.

After stripping off my clothes and getting into the tub, my muscles relaxed, causing me to close my eyes and enjoy the heat. I set my laptop on the tray and began browsing for clothes Aurora might like and other items I knew she would adore. With my vampire hearing, I could hear Aurora puffing and muttering "stupid sun" as she turned on a random movie. I chuckled as I began looking for dresses to wear to the big event in 19 days.

I found this perfect dress: simple, tight enough to show off my slender physique, black because my sister prefers that our family wear black, and just the right amount of revealing but not too much. I ordered them with a happy grin as I started thoroughly washing my body and hair. "Hazel! I'm starving! Make me food!" She demanded loudly.

"You could just talk and I would hear you, you know." I laughed as i rinsed my body with water. "No, you can't!" she yelled with a tiny giggle. "Yes, I can! I'm a vampire, remember?" I grinned when I heard her sigh. "A stupid vampire," she murmured, "I heard that!" I yelled, causing her to squeal giggle uncontrollably.

I got out of the bath and changed into a shirt and shorts, that's not usual for a vampire to wear, but I am living with a human, and that messes with your head a bit. "Hazel!" Rori shouted. I grinned as I exited the bathroom and dried my hair with the towel.

"I'm hungry," she said with a big smile and her dimple showing. "Alright, you spoiled brat, I'll go get you some breakfast, but stay here," I insisted as I went into the kitchen, leaving her alone.

I asked the maid to cut some fruit for her. "Yes, Hazel," she said, and starting to work. "Where's Billie?" I asked, and I took the apple she handed me. "She's in her office," She kindly responded with a smile. "Alright, when you're finished, send the food to my room, for my little one, please, Auntie," I said, making her smile and shake her head.

Since I can remember, Jolene has had a job at the palace. We all refer to her as Auntie since she is like family to us, and nobody would ever disrespect her in any way.

I ate the apple as I made my way to Billie's office. She had been working here long before I was even born. Leaning on her massive desk, I greeted her with a smile and said, "Sup bitch." She had her glasses on, a mug of black coffee steaming next to her, her hair up in a bun, and dark circles present under her blue eyes. "Out, Hazel," She said, not bothering to look at me.

"Oh, please, don't you miss your little sister". I asked cockily, leaning against her desk."Go discipline your human or something, stop annoying me." She scowled as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "My human is perfectly disciplined." I pouted a little. She gave me a threatening look as she raised an eyebrow; after all, even male-dominant vampires are terrified of my sister. So please don't fucking judge me for fearing her. I accidentally dropped her coffee to the ground after.

She slammed her fists on the desk and stood up, "Thank you so much, Hazel; that's exactly what I needed." She said gritting her teeth, "Calm down, I'll make you a new one." I rolled my eyes and left, only to be greeted by Aurora holding a female vampire against the wall while she kissed and sucked on her neck. "Oh, my God! Get off of her, Aurora, now." I yelled slightly and moved toward them. "Hazel, please—really—leave her with me; she's fine." Maya, the vampire, bit her lip as she eye-fucked Rora. "No, come here, Aurora," I growled, slightly glaring at Maya angrily.

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