Chapter 57

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The alarm blares from the nightstand, and I groan as I reach over to silence it. The arms around me tighten, pulling me right back into a warm embrace.

"Good morning," I murmur, turning to look at my boyfriend. He opens his eyes and just pulls the blanket over our shoulders again.

"Good morning, baby," he mumbles in return. I smile and rub my eyes before throwing the blanket back off of us.

"Nooo, it's cold," the man grumbles, but I sit up, knowing he won't leave the bed if I don't start moving or kick him out.

"You've got work," I remind him. Conner sits up shirtless and tired. He's never been a morning person. He looks like a complete mess, his hair sticking up everywhere and his face puffy and sleepy.

I had on a pair of boxers and a giant shirt, which have been my pajama clothes for a while now. I shuffle over to the bathroom and grab a claw clip, twisting my curly black hair up into it before splashing a bit of water on my face. I pat my face dry and then head back into our room to slip some socks on. When I look back up again, I'm met with Conner just looking at me, appearing very deep in thought.

"You're so handsome, so pretty," he drops the face with a yawn before standing up. Conner stalks over to me, and I smile up at him as he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me in for a sweet kiss, his other hand reaching up behind my neck.

"I love you," I whisper back, and he just kisses me again.

"I love you too," his lips move down my neck, all sweet and soft, while he reaches a hand down to pull my leg up and against him so he can press into one of my thighs.

"Go get ready Conner. Do you want eggs for breakfast?" I ask, my arms tightening around his neck.

"Whatever you want to make, I'll be right out to help you," he taps my thigh one last time, and I laugh a little before going to the bathroom. He follows after me, and we both start to brush our teeth. As per usual, a hand is almost always touching me, sometimes rubbing my back, other times messing with my hair. When I'm done brushing my teeth, I do as I said and head to the kitchen where I start breakfast.

Once the eggs are in the pan, I pull out the toaster and butter a few pieces of toast for the two of us, also getting the coffee ready. I run back and forth, finishing the eggs and toast, plating everything for our simple breakfast.

There's a loud thud, and I stop pouring the coffee to look up.

"Conner? Are you okay?" I shout, walking around the island.

"All good... just fell—for you again," he sounds like he is struggling, and I can't help but laugh.

"Are you trying to walk and put your clothes on again?" I continue to laugh, walking back over to the counter, where I continue to pour us both coffee, adding the right amount of cream for the both of us. No more black coffee for me.

I, of course, put two glasses of water next to our coffees and then start to clean, putting everything away. I listen to Conner come up behind me, before he grabs my wrist, stopping me from cleaning anymore.

"Let's eat, my prince. I'll clean the rest before I head to work," he whispers in my ear, his morning voice still deep and rough. God, it's a great quality of his. That wonderful voice of his.

I turn around to find him all dressed up for work, a pale blue button-up tucked into some gray work slacks. I jokingly straighten his gray tie, and he runs a hand through his gelled hair before cursing and walking over to wash his hands.

I'm in my junior year of university now, and Conner is working at an Agency that focuses on football. It's connected with some enterprise back in New York, Flame Enterprise, and Conner works at Flame Sports Agency. The man created this side agency for one of his grandkids who ended up being a famous football player. Imagine creating a whole agency to support your grandchild. Well, now Conner is the Sales Manager there! He's worked his way up, and I'm so proud of him.

I smile thinking about it and sit down at the island, reaching my hand across to touch Conner's hand when he sits down.

"Are you going into class today? Or is it going to be a lazy day?" he asks, letting me play with his hand as he takes a drink of coffee.

"Going in today. You know what classes I have today, so not till later. Going to have lunch with Eden and Michael and probably won't stay for Geology," I wave my hand around as I talk before moving away to start eating as well. I get up every day with Conner at 7 a.m., just so I have a schedule and time for my life, but today I don't actually need to leave here till 9.

"Oh yeah, Michael, I forgot about him. Is he going to come to the dinner this weekend? Just curious because I haven't met him yet," he asks before taking a bite of his toast.

"Yeah, he is. And don't you worry, Mr. protective boyfriend, he's just a friend who has no feelings towards me at all. I know you're thinking it," I point at him. He laughs and nods.

"I know, I know. I just worry. Always will," he takes my hand and kisses it, his eyes staring into mine the whole time.

We both continue to talk about little things while we finish up our food and coffee. Conner checks his phone for the time and huffs before standing to get his things ready for work. I continue to eat, always a bit slower.

When Conner comes back, he sets his keys, water bottle, and briefcase on the island next to me so he won't forget them. I watch as he hurries to go clean up the tiny mess made from breakfast, wanting to help a little before he left.

I slip away from my seat and go to our room, grabbing the computer that I know he assumes is in the briefcase from the nightstand, and his badge, which is clipped onto the raincoat he had worn yesterday.

I don't say anything as I unclip the briefcase, but the noise makes it very noticeable. He looks over at me from where he had been scrubbing the pan and drying his plate and cup.

"I—what would I do without you?" he sighs, and I chuckle, placing the computer in the briefcase and closing it up, placing his badge right on top.

"Lose literally everything," I joke, going back to my food.

"You don't need to worry about those. You're dressed. Let me get them. It's literally only the pan now—and you're ignoring me," I let him finish, and go back to eating. I can take care of my own.

Yet I seem to forget as the first thing I do when I'm done is grab a thermos and prepare Conner's coffee for work, putting it next to all his stuff.

My sneaky boyfriend grabs my dishes, and I don't even try to complain, which makes him smile.

"I'm going to go to the gym after work—so I'll be home at 6:30ish," he tells me in advance.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know," I stretch my arms over my head, going to grab his black work shoes so he'll have them here. When I step back into the kitchen, he's drying his hands and draining the sink. He takes the shoes from me with a quick 'thank you' and slips them on his feet. Satisfied with everything I'm quickly grabbed and pressed up against his body.

"Hi," I smile, and Conner smiles back before leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"Hey, baby... I was planning on doing arms at the gym. Maybe you can help me work legs later?" he jokes as I roll my eyes at his attempt. It would work, I just won't admit that now.

"Okay, Mr., Calm yourself," I tell him, earning me a smile.

"It's not my fault I'm just too hot, and the people, they can't say no to all this," he puts a hand on his chest and throws his head to the side, being ever so dramatic.

"Oh?" I push off of him and walk away a bit.

"I'll have you know I could easily go without any sex; you, on the other hand? I don't think you could keep your hands to yourself," I tease, knowing damn well I'm right.

"That is so not true," he tries to fight me.

I pull the hair clip out of my hair, letting my curls fall past my shoulder, and go to the island, leaning up over the counter, knowing my back was to him and he gets a very clear view of my thighs pressed together.

I listen to him step closer less then a second later, his phone vibrating as he makes a call. I quickly turn around, confused, and tilt my head to the side.

"What are you doing?!"

"Calling in sick—you're right, I can't last, I give in—you win!"

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