10| redo

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"I can't go back like this" I sighed, looking down at my slightly damp shirt, I tried to dry clothes as best as I could but there wasn't much I could do.

I couldn't believe the nerve of that waitress, though im glad Landon stuck up for me.

Even I was surprised I smacked her, at first I felt bad but then I thought about how she tried to embarrass me. I wasn't a violent person but a girl can only be pushed so far without snapping.

"I have some extra clothes in the car if you want?" Landon offered, keeping one hand on my thigh while he used the other to drive. He occasionally switched his view from the road to me, making my heart flutter.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He had already done a lot for me today, I didn't want to bug him more.

"Yeah it's no problem. I always have extra incase we have a surprise practice" He reassured. I smiled widely as we pulled into a fast food parking lot.

"What're we doing here?" I looked around confused. Not that I was complaining, I could go for a burger and some fries.

"Well since our lunch got ruined, I couldn't let us go back hungry now could I" He smirked before getting out of the car and walking to my side to open the door. I spit out a thank you as he walked to the back of the car opening the trunk.

Since my clothes had been soaked, the cool breeze made it feel a lot colder. I rubbed my arms for warmth as Landon dug around pulling out a hoodie and sweatpants.

"I'm not sure these will fit but you can try" He laughed looking at the size of them compared to me.

"Thank you" I laughed grabbing the clothes from him, I was grateful nonetheless. He closed the trunk and we walked in the place.

"Do you know what you want?" He asked before getting in line.

"Uh, ooo! A burger sounds real good" I closed my eyes repeating the thought from earlier, gaining a chuckle from him.

"Okay go get changed, i'll get our food" He spoke as he moved a piece of hair from my face.

I gave an awkward thumbs up as I backed away, trying to hide my blush but only making it worse. Why would I do that?

As I walked into the single bathroom, I locked the door behind me as I looked at the clothes Landon gave me, these were huge! There was no way the sweatpants would stay on me, plus it was almost 80 outside now. Thankfully my shorts weren't too wet and my shirt had taken most of the blow, so I decided on just wearing the hoodie he gave me.

It would still engulf me but it was better than the pants. I took off my wet shirt, leaving it in the sink as I pulled the hoodie over my head. I smiled once I smelt him on it, looking at myself in the mirror it didn't look too bad. I'm not sure why but, I kinda liked it. I grabbed the rest of my stuff before leaving the bathroom, his smell instantly replaced with fried food as I went to look for him.

"Hey, how do I look" I joked as I sat next to Landon. He had a tray full of food but was scrolling through his phone until he saw me.

"Wow it really is huge on you" He laughed. "But I like it"

"I hope I didn't take too long, you could've started without me" I said pointing to the food.

"No you didn't it's okay, I don't mind waiting" He smiled as he passed me my stuff.


I handed Landon the pile of clothes as we reached the car for him to put in the trunk, a smile stuck on my face. As usual, he walked me over to the side door opening it for me before getting in himself.

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