27 POV: Kyle

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TWs, complicated plot

"You're... not a vampire?" I mumble, surprised. "You're human?"

I got beaten up by a human? Weak, I think, cringing.

"Wh- you- it- it doesn't make sense-?" Stan stammers, looking away in shock. "You aren't, like, you didn't- who killed Butters then?"

"Not me." Tolkien shrugs, before stepping back inside, and nudging me out of the doorway. "Bye."

He closes the door, leaving us three in a mixed state of emotions.

"The fuck?" Bebe mutters, looking confused.

She then turns to Stan and I, clearing her throat. "Uh, I should go, I need to make a completely unrelated phone call." she smiles, taking her hairband out to let her blonde curls of hair drop loose. "Go on a date or something."

I raise my eyebrow in suspicion, before Stan speaks up, saying, "Date? But we aren't together"

Blushing, I nod in confirmation.

Bebe rolls her eyes. "No two best friends make out in a closet with no feelings attached, atleast one of them has some kind of emotion linked to that." she says, dialling a number on her phone. "Now go have fun. Bye."

Within a moment, she's gone down the path, before disappearing around the corner, leaving Stan and I dumbfounded and red.

"Oh, okay. Uh." I start, clearing my throat. "Let's just go for a walk, and try to... I don't know. Understand all of this."

"Okay." Stan agrees, looking away to hide his face.

We start walking down the concrete pavement together, heading down the opposite way to where Bebe had gone.

"Did you see the contact name she put into her phone?" Stan asks, keeping his eyes on the path, occasionally looking up at a lonely car speeding down the road.

"Stan, I can't read."

"Oh, right." he laughs nervously, before returning to quiet. "Maybe I could teach you sometime."

"Maybe," I mumble back, a large, dumb smile on my face. I'm quick to change the subject. "So, uh, Tolkien isn't a vampire, apparently."

"I heard." he monotones back, and I turn to look at his face, which he keeps pointing towards the path infront.

"I wonder who was in that alleyway then. Who killed Butters. Because if it wasn't Tolkien, it must be the guy he was covering for." I ramble, losing myself in an explanation I had no need to provide. "Since Tolkien said that some dude had, quote unquote, taken this all too far, then maybe Tolkien was working for a vampire, who, like, I don't know, took things too far I guess."

"It has to have been someone from school, right?" Stan chips in. "The figure from the picture looked like someone our age, so I'm pretty sure it's someone in our school."

"How sure is pretty sure?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Like, a big percentage."

"Right, okay."

We giggle a bit, a smile on both of our faces.

I know that there's a vampire on the loose, but I really don't feel worried when I'm beside Stan like this.

I hope he feels the same.

"Were you really going to take me to Europe?" I ask shyly, a light blush already rising on my cheeks.

Thankful for his focus being on anything but me, Stan starts to speak. "Well, yeah. I know how you want to go abroad, so I'll take you abroad."

"What if the vampire turns out to be... not hostile?" I look away, biting at my cheek. "Would you still run away with me to Europe if there was no reason for us to leave?"

Stan just starts smiling. "The minute you want to leave South Park, I'll be by your side the whole time, okay? You can wait till before or after we figure out the shit with this vampire, I don't care. As long as I get to go with you."

My heart flutters at his honesty and enthusiasm. "So you actually want to? You're not, just, like, I don't know. Pretending?"

"Nope. I'm one hundred percent sure. I'm even more positive than Cartman when he got HIV."

"Weird analogy, but it does the job."

Stan starts laughing lightly, and every fibre of my being aches to just hold him and kiss him and never let him go. A part of me - a selfish part of me - wants him all to myself, no-one else. But a more stable part of myself is telling me to be patient.

Would it be bad if I wanted him for myself?

How could I not? How could anyone not love him? He's perfect.

"Kyle? You okay?" the noirette repeats directly into my ear, making me jump.

"Oh! Sorry," I apologise, guiltily.

"That's alright." Stan smiles, beaming. "What's on your mind?"


"Just... Tolkien, I guess. The whole situation is just stressing me out," I half-lie in complaint, fiddling with my hands.

"Don't stress on it," the boy insists, grinning. "It'll be fine, I'm sure. We'll both be there for eachother, right?"

I smile in response. "Right yeah."

"Alright, see? Now, your place or mine?" Stan asks, linking his hand in mine, entwining our fingers together in such a sudden motion that I couldn't help but blush.

"Either, I don't mind."

"Mine it is, then."


(sorry for another short chapter - i cant find the motivation to write my ideas down, and i'm so tired i keep scuffing up on the spelling then having to go back and change it then messing up again and eeuvhfjfkj. i'm an impatient person)

(would you guys rather I post another short chapter tomorrow night, or a longer chapter on sunday / monday night?)

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