Chapter 10

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Taehyung's POV

Do I think my best friend likes his current clients? Hell yeah.

Do I think he'll act on it? Not likely.

It isn't Jimin's style. He's smart and even though his omega is a needy little bitch like the rest of us when it comes to handsome alphas, I'm sure Jimin will manage to control himself better than anyone else at his place. Especially if alphas give him no false hope or lead him on.

Besides, Jimin always follows rules and he will not break Omega Escort's biggest one just because he needs to get laid ASAP. Not to mention those two are already a couple and it would be dumb to hope for a future with them.

No, my Jimin is smarter than that.

I calm myself down and head out of his office.

After my best friend ushers me out because his lunch break is over, I make my way to the elevator that is situated by the common area where many other workers have individual desks.

I noticed a few of them throwing curious glances when I first came. Not that I'm surprised. I'm too gorgeous for my own good. How can such a beautiful omega like me still be singl-

Suddenly something, or to be more precise, someone's massive body crashes into me, knocking breath out of my lungs. If it wasn't for the man's hand around my waist steading me, I'd have been on the floor next to the paperwork he dropped to catch me.

I glare up at my 'savior' to snicker at his clumsiness. Who walks around the office this disoriented?

I see a young man, maybe around my age, staring down at me with wide doe eyes. He wears a pair of specs, has a delicate nose and as I can see from this angle, spotless skin. Considering the gentleness of his touch and gaze I'd have thought he was an omega or beta, but his strong pine scent is a dead giveaway that he is an alpha.

I clear my throat and push him away. He shakes his head and makes a step back, bowing to me as an apology.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Please forgive me." He mumbles with his deep voice and leans down to pick up the documents he dropped. At first, I was planning to scold his clumsiness but now that he has so politely apologized, I don't want to look like an asshole. I crouch down to help him and hope that everyone will go back to their business instead of staring at us.

"It's okay. Just next time be more careful." I say more softly than I was going to. He lifts his head and grants me with a small smile before resuming picking up papers. Once we're done, I straighten up and hand him what I've managed to pick up. He bows to me once again before taking it. Our fingers briefly brush and I can swear I notice the alpha's cheeks flare at the contact.

"I'm sorry once again. Please, at least let me walk you out." He says with hope glimmering in his eyes.

"It's alright, um-" I look at him questioningly and he quickly replies.

"Jungkook. I'm Jeon Jungkook."

"Okay, Jungkook. You can show me the way out if that's what you want." I tell him and continue walking to the elevator. He drops the papers on someone's desk and hurries after me. He presses the button for me as we wait in awkward silence.

His scent is spiked with interest. I feel his occasional glances on me. He clearly likes what he sees.

"I noticed you going to Mr. Park's office earlier." He says after a minute of silence. I turn my head to him, once again taking in his features. Hardly anything surprises me anymore, but a shy alpha is definitely something new for me.

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